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42.6881062, 13.6906803

Dr. Eng. Andrea Zucchelli , Mech. Eng.
Head of Technical and Commercial Department
Loc. Scapriano Basso - Villaggio Aurora A2
Teramo (TE) 64100
+39 861 286 617
+39 861 587 546
+39 349 357 234 4
Über Andrea Zucchelli

Mechanical Engineer , CEO of Zucchelli srl ( Material Handling Hoisting and Storage ), company borned in year 2008 . Experiences in : Nuove Officine Pulifici, Pulifici Sud, Meloni, Meloni Heavy Industries, Meloni Tecno Handling, Pulifici Officine Meccaniche, Pulifici Handling System, Pulifici Steel Construction, Sadam Meccanica. Roles performed : Mechanical Engineer Calculator, New Products development, Project Manager, Job chief, Cost Analysis and Estimates, Quality Control and Installation Supervision, Entrepreneur. ........................... For contacts :

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