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Member Profile - 86-thomas-taylor
Thomas Taylor
19 Chantry Avenue, Hartford
Northwich, Cheshire CW8 1LZ
Vereinigtes Königreich
+44 1606 758 27
+44 1606 709 238 764 2
Über Thomas Taylor

Up to 2001 employed in the Global Technology Unit of Unilever Research, he is now an independent Engineering Consultant, leading projects on Particle Technology, Bulk Handling, Skills & Training and Raw Materials Supply and Manufacturing Standards.
A Chartered Engineer and now Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineers, he was Chairman of the International Fine Particles Research Institute Technical Committee and of the I.Chem E Particle Technology Group from 1991 to 1994. He is currently a member of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers Working group on Drying Technology and of the EPSRC Process Engineering College. He was also involved closely with marketing the 1998 World Congress on Particle Technology.
A graduate of Liverpool University in 1966 he joined ICI Mond Division in Research & Development working on crystallisation, fire extinguishing powders, and process scale up. Joined Unilever Research in 1968 as a Powder Technologist working on process development of new spray dried and granulated products and new processes. Moved to Unilever Research Vlaardingen in 1971 as engineer in charge of the pilot plant. Returned to Unilever Port Sunlight in 1974 working on product and process design and development. Has since been closely involved with technology transfer to full scale manufacture and manufacturing applications for novel technology. Became Section Manager of URPSL Powder Technology Section in 1984 and of the Manufacturing Application section in 1991. Joined Manufacturing Application group in 1993 as Process Technology Specialist for Powders and Liquids.



Know-how and experience:
Expertise in the design and operation of powder and bulk solids handling systems. Consultant on pneumatic conveying,particle structuring and characterisation and powder supply chain operations. Director of British Materials Handling Board.

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