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46.4861157, -81.0022206

Dr. Richard Brummer
174 Douglas Street
Sudbury (ON) P3E 1G1
+1 705 522 269 7
+1 705 522 269 7
About Richard Brummer

Dr. Brummer has over 24 years of experience in geomechanics consulting, practical mining applications, research and academia. He is a Designated Consulting Engineer (Professional Engineers Ontario) and is a registered Professional Engineer in Canada and South Africa. His areas of specialization are all aspects of the behavior of highly stressed rock in deep mines or in extensively mined workings. He also has expertise in rockbursts, the design of microseismic and general instrumentation systems, the design of backfill and backfill systems, and particularly in the optimization of mining layouts to reduce risk and maximize value. He is the author of over 50 technical articles.

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