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22.3149274, 87.3105311

Rabindranath Modak
I I T Kharagpur
Kharagpur (West Bengal) 721302
+91 3222 837 10
+91 3222 827 00
About Rabindranath Modak

Obtained B.E (mining) from University of Calcutta.
Master of Engineering in Advanced Surveying and Photogrammetry from University of Roorkee.
Master of Engineering in Mining from Banaras Hindu University.

Visited The Netherlands, West Germany, Italy, U.K, France, Switzerland

Worked as Research Fellow In Delft University.

Member,The Institution of Engineers (India)
Member,The Mining,Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India
Life Member,Indian Society for Technical

Know-how and experience:
Experience :26 years Teaching in
IIT kharagpur in Mining Engineering

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