Conveyor Design Project (Pineapples)

Posted in: , on 21. Sep. 2005 - 20:20

good day. im a student from Mexico in the Universidad de las Americas (UDLA) im working on a project in order to obtain a degree in mechanics. The project consist of a pineapple system that helps in recolection of the fruit. I will aprecciate your opinion in software to design the conveyor.

i`ve tried

1.Helix Delta T-it complicates too much the configuration of the conveyor

2.Beltstat- in the trial version it have some parameters that cant be selected (since it is a trial) thats sad because it is really easy to use but i dont have that money (dont misuderstood my words, not saying it is expensive, just saying that im going tou use it one time, so it has no use for me to pay the serial plus the fact that im not making money with this)

why i want to use this software? cause the project have 2 more "subsystems" that have to be designed.

i`ll happy to share my work, off course im new on this, but if someone have some advice and want to take a look, we will set up something.

thanks a lot for your time

i have founded



ill try them out and see what happens

Conveyor Software

Posted on 21. Sep. 2005 - 08:05


You can also try the following. I have a full license for Belt Analyst II and find it very easy to use. That of course is a personal choice as all of the programs are very good. I researched them all very thoroughly before making my decision on which one to buy.

One question though. Is the conveyor going to be troughed or flat? All of these programs are based on troughed conveyors.

Belt Analyst II

Mine Conveyor

Here's another website that can give you some quick calculations for conveyor belts.


Gary Blenkhorn

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Flat Conveyor

Posted on 21. Sep. 2005 - 10:26

thanks Gary Blenkhorn for the quick response.

now i think i´ve started

i think that explains everything, it isnt difficult as it seems. as you say, these software are for "hard" conveyor.

the one in my project is a flat conveyor.

if you know a software for flat conveyors im stil interested.

i´ve instaled BeltAnalyst, do you think i could use for a flat conveyor.

which parameters are important to determine.

the conditions:

-dirty enviroment (in pineapples fields)

-max load= 40pineapples (in the conveyor)

im taking 2.5 kg for each one

the idea is to keep the conveyor over the plants, support at one side, conveyor over the plants is supported by wires, so it has to be very light.

the longitude it is expected to cover 11m, and get 62.5 ton per day

thanks again in advance

Re: Conveyor Design Project (Pineapples)

Posted on 22. Sep. 2005 - 02:09


Here is more of what you will need. You can research further on these.

Good luck with your project. I hope you are not in path of Hurrincane Rita.



Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.