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43.7296382, -81.7173494

Bulk Handling Technology
DEM Flow Simulation Services, Conveyor Transfer Design, SolidWorks Design
130 Brimicombe Cres.
Goderich (ON) N7A 4M2
+1 519 524 716 4
About Bulk Handling Technology
The proper design and maintenance of bulk material handling equipment and systems is an essential part of any successful company. Bulk Handling Technology Inc. is providing services, software, books and training to assist your company with the design and maintenance of your bulk material handling systems. We offer Discrete Element Method (DEM) services, SolidWorks 3D design and layout services, a very popular publication on Transfer Chute Design, Software packages specializing in Bulk Material Handling and in-house training on belt conveyor maintenance.

These products and services are geared towards making your company more efficient and more profitable by ensuring you have the right tools, the best designs and the best trained people in the industry.

Discrete Element Method

Bulk Handling Technology Inc. offers bulk material handling Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulation services. Prove that your design works before you deliver it to your customer.

Bulk Handling Technology Inc.(BHT) provides a virtual prototype simulation of bulk material moving through any bulk handling process. Simulations can be created for:

Belt conveyor transfers
Feeders or reclaim conveyors
How hoppers / bins fill or discharge
Test the feed spread over a vibrating screen
Flow through vibrating screens
How product piles will form
Loading trucks with mobile equipment
Trucks dumping to crushers or hoppers
Excavator bucket efficiency
How does a rotating dryer handle the product
Simulate Bulk Material Transfer Through Chutes
How will it flow through a conveyor transfer chute? See your flop gates in action. Show your customer that IT WORKS before the dollars are spent building it! DEM simulation allows you the ability to tweak your design for the best performance. Observe the results of these simulations to:

Identify the locations within a chute where plugging occurs and the conditions that cause plugs
Compare design concepts to reduce wear on expensive conveyor belt
Locate/accommodate wear points in chutes
Ensure on-center loading of material on a belt and to predict the shape of the material profile
Identify locations in the flow where air-entrainment occurs, to prevent dust dispersion
Reduce the occurrence of “splashing” and spillage.

SolidWorks Professional 3D Design Services

At Bulk Handling Technology (BHT) we also provide 3D product design solutions to your exact requirements using the latest 3D SolidWorks Professional software. We also have many years experience in designing belt conveyors, chute work and bulk handling equipment.

3D design has the luxury of being 100% accurate in every way and guarantee that your designs will be correct. We can provide a 3D video of any moving equipment that will show you how it looks and performs. It is a virtual world that will always amaze you. From the 3D design we can generate detailed 2D drawings that can be placed onto your title block including your company logo.

If your design work load is heavy let BHT work with you to help you meet the demands of your clients on time and on budget. We build long term relationships with our clients to obtain a better understanding of their operation and tailor our services to allow a seamless integration into your project stream. BHT would be honoured to be your design partner.