Chute Design

Richard Fox - Halliburton, Australia
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 16. Feb. 2006 - 01:24


I have just signed up to this forum. As I am a graduate mechanical Engineer, this forum looks like a very good learning tool. I am working at a consultancy firm in Australia, with a number of mining projects in the feasibility stage. I am trying to design various chutes for the coal preparation plants, between conveyors etc, and was wondering if there are any good books/websites out there that work through the design process that anyone can recommend.



Re: Chute Design

Posted on 16. Feb. 2006 - 11:36

No, but a lot of good experience and intellectual property if you wish to discuss such further:

1. High speed transfers,

2. Quatifyable low degradation and

3. Minimal dust transfers.

4. Low belt wear trnasfers,

5. Ore central loading = no spillage and maintaining belt alignemt

6. More accurate trajectory patterns

7. Quantifying liner wear

8. Preventing or prediction plugging

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Chute Design

Posted on 28. Mar. 2006 - 10:11

Many engineers use discrete element modeling (DEM) to aid in the design and analysis of transfer stations. You might find some of the informatin in our publications of interest. Please visit --> Publications for more information on the following papers.

Hustrulid, G.G.W. Mustoe, "Engineering Analysis of Transfer Points Using Discrete Element Analysis", Presented at 1996 SME Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, February 1996.

Hustrulid, "Transfer Station Analysis", Presented at 1998 SME Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, February 1998.

Good luck and welcome to the industry.


Re: Chute Design

Posted on 31. Mar. 2006 - 09:19

Here is a good article on design principles for chutes.

Good luck


design-principles-chutes (ZIP)

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Chute Design

Posted on 13. Apr. 2006 - 01:47

Our book Foundations III covers many aspects of chute design, transfer point sealing etc. Check out our website to obtain a copy. Good luck!

Larry J. Goldbeck Martin Engineering