Pressure Drop Calculation for Plastic Pellet Dilute Phase Conveying

Posted in: , on 5. Sep. 2007 - 02:03

I used Dr. A.T Agarwal's method to size a pneumatic conveying pressure system to convey 15000 lbs/hr of plastic pellets to railcars. The calculation comes within 10% of the calculation done by my supplier. The only uncertainty I have when doing calculation is the pickup velocity for the material.

Re: Pressure Drop Calculation For Plastic Pellet Dilute Phase C…

Posted on 5. Sep. 2007 - 06:30

If your supplier can show you some reference plants of a similar material and application, you should be able to trust his recommendation.

I would expect your calculation is 10% higher than the supplier's calculation as the methodology in the approach you used can give a conservative number, which is good for the novice designer.

Pneumatic Conveying Calculations, Pick-Up Velocity

Posted on 7. Sep. 2007 - 05:18

If you are uncertain about what should be the pick-up velocity for your material you can easily calculate it using Rizk or Matsumoto saltation velocity co-relations and adding to it about 20% safety factor. As you will find from these co-relations this velocity is also a function of solids to gas ratio and the pipe diameter, increasing as these variables increase.

I will be glad to send a PDF copy of these co-relations if you need them.

Amrit Agarwal

Consulting Engineer

Pneumatic Conveying Consulting


Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125

Re: Pneumatic Conveying Calculations, Pick-Up Velocity

Posted on 8. Sep. 2007 - 04:31

Originally posted by Amrit Agarwal

If you are uncertain about what should be the pick-up velocity for your material you can easily calculate it using Rizk or Matsumoto saltation velocity co-relations and adding to it about 20% safety factor. As you will find from these co-relations this velocity is also a function of solids to gas ratio and the pipe diameter, increasing as these variables increase.

I will be glad to send a PDF copy of these co-relations if you need them.

Amrit Agarwal

Consulting Engineer

Pneumatic Conveying Consulting


Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125



plz let me know the reason of pressure drop in conveying line for fly ash pneumatic system


Pressure Drop

Posted on 24. Sep. 2007 - 05:02

can any body tell me inspite of sufficient air though line blockage is there in densephase conveying system


Re: Pressure Drop Calculation For Plastic Pellet Dilute Phase C…

Posted on 4. Oct. 2007 - 10:51


The reasons could be agglomeration of particles or sticking to the pipe. This happens if the particles have tar substances (ex: coal).


Dear Mr Amrit Agarwal

Posted on 16. Oct. 2007 - 05:39

Can you send me a copy of co-relations Rizk or Matsumoto for calculate saltation velocity please.

Shenjie Tel:+86(0)20 83553890,83550361 Fax: +86(0)20 83542314 [email][/email] [url=]Sino-Auto Technology[/url]

(not verified)

Re: Pressure Drop Calculation For Plastic Pellet Dilute Phase C…

Posted on 23. Oct. 2007 - 04:38

Dear Mr. Amrit Argawal,

Can I have a copy of co-relations Rizk or Matsumoto for calculate saltation velocity please.


(not verified)

Re: Pressure Drop Calculation For Plastic Pellet Dilute Phase C…

Posted on 13. Dec. 2007 - 10:18

Go with our supplier's calculations. Supplier's calcs will have about a 10% safety factor included, thus the 10% difference.

Many of the Zeppelin pneumatic transport systems have been pushed beyond design transport rates and due to the quality of equipment, have held up and increased load rates in rail car filling systems. They also have their own designed fill spouts that direct the material to the ends of the railcar and thus invert the angle of repose and acheive less empty space and higher capacities.

Does this calculation take into account interior pipe wall surfaces to minimize production or streamers during transport?

Also there is a transport rate range for pneumatic transport of plastic pellets to be aware of.

Are you cleaning the pellets prior to railcar loading?

Please read through the attached brochure.


conveying systems (PDF)

Re: Pressure Drop Calculation For Plastic Pellet Dilute Phase C…

Posted on 15. Dec. 2007 - 03:39

Dear Mr. Amrit Agarwal,

Could you also email me a copy of Rizk or Matsumoto saltation velocity co-relation please.

