Use of Recycled Plastic in Blast Furnace

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 17. Sep. 2004 - 08:16

Dear all,

I need information regarding processing required in Used Plastics, to make it suiatble for feeding in BF.

Can somebody provide me information on the above matter?


(not verified)

Use Of Recycled Plastic In Blast Furnace

Posted on 27. Sep. 2004 - 08:42

Dear all,

The recycled plastic in used in Blast Furnace as a replacement to Met Coke . Use of recycled plastic also solves major environmental problems.

In Europe and Japan, it is being fed in the Blast Furnace for Steel making since last 10 year.

If members or vistors of this forum have got any information about the above subject, please pass on to me.

Thanks & Regards

Re: Use Of Recycled Plastic In Blast Furnace

Posted on 27. Sep. 2004 - 09:07

There was a story about this topic on a popular science program recently. The research was being conducted by Professor Veena Sahajwalla at the University of New South Wales. The link below provides some details if you wish to follow up on it.

Peter Donecker Bulk Solids Modelling [url][/url] [url][/url]

Re: Use Of Recycled Plastic In Blast Furnace

Posted on 25. Oct. 2004 - 01:05