Hurricane Season Projected to be Less Active

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 21. May. 2009 - 22:39

After several years of above average tropical activity, consensus has grown that this hurricane season will be less active than previous years.

Early Hurricane Season 2009 forecasts, called for 11-14 tropical systems, which is around average and or just above, compared to the long term trends.

Well, Blow Me Down!

Posted on 21. May. 2009 - 09:37

There was a weatherman in Britain by the name of Michael Fish who told the national TV audience that mention of a hurricane developing in Normandy shouldn't be taken seriously. Guess what ...serious hurricane damage overnight across the entire South of England.

Fishy Business, weather forecasting.

The only question is "Who thinks up that sort of rubbish for a living?":