What Is Pn?

Posted on 27. Dec. 2009 - 01:48

Dear all,

I have come across EP and NN belts. I do not know about PN.

Will be thankful if someone could explain!


(not verified)


Posted on 5. Jan. 2010 - 07:58

Dear Sir,

PN equals din code EP

Carcass material: Polyester+Nylon

About Modulus I am not very sure of the technical data:


The modulus of elasticity () is calculated by dividing the stress by the strain:

where is the modulus of elasticity (or Young's modulus), (P)

F is the force (N)

A is the cross-sectional area through which the force is applied (m)

x is the extension (m)

l is the natural length (m)

Example: A typical for rubber would be 6,9 MPa (1000 psi). For an average strength steel cord conveyor belt the modulus of elasticity would be 200 kN/mm and for an average textile conveyor belt around 7 kN/mm.

In other words: The higher the modulus the lower the elastic elongation per unit stress

Hope it is useful for your question.

Best regards,




modulusofelasticity (GIF)

Re: Pn Belt Modulus

Posted on 5. Jan. 2010 - 02:55

Hello Ranga..

The modulus E for EP belting is taken as 5.5 x belt class in kN/m.

(Incidentally it is taken as 52.6 x St class in steelcord belts)


LSL Tekpro

Graham Spriggs
(not verified)

Re: Pn Belt Modulus

Posted on 6. Jan. 2010 - 10:42

The elasticity characteristics of a conveyor belt are mostly expressed in permanent elongation and elastic elongation, measured during the Hysteresis test as described in EN ISO 9856.

For some purposes, like the determination of the minimum troughing distance, the Elastic Modulus M of the belt is required.

The determination of the Elastic Modulus is also described in the EN ISO 9856. It can be found by dividing the tension change (N/mm) by the relative elastic elongation.

M = dT /

dT:the tension change from 2 to 10% [N/mm]

:the relative elastic elongation [dimensionless]

= dl / l0 = ee / 100

dl:elastic strain [mm]

l0:original length of the test piece [mm]

ee:elastic elongation [%]


S 800/4 with an elastic elongation of 0.7%.

=0.7 /100 = 0.007

dT =80 – 16 = 64 N/mm

M = 64 / 0.007 = 9143 N/mm

The exact elastic elongation is typical for various fabrics designs. In general, 0.7% is common for EP and can give you quite a good estimate of M.

Good luck