Bulk Russia 2009

Posted in: , on 22. May. 2009 - 01:24

Bulk Russia 2009

We invite you to Moscow.

On November 19th and 20th, representatives of several firms of the bulk industry from Europe and Russian speaking countries (CIS-countries) will meet each other at the Bulk Days Conference 2009 in the capital of Russian Federation, city of Moscow.

Bulk Russia 2009, will take place first time in Moscow. It will be presented from the Bulk Academy, Wiesbaden, Germany as a premier event for the Russian speaking market. This is the first conference throughout Europe, aimed at bridging the gap between the bulk industries of Western Europe and the countries of post-soviet area, between theory and praxis. The conference programme will consist of several presentations with authors coming from Germany, Russia, CIS- and other European countries.

The two day conference will have two parallel sessions and will cover a range of bulk material technology topics, including design and operation, silo storage and discharge and pneumatic conveying. Other topics will cover explosion protection, fluid level measurement, reduction of energy consumption, dust emission control, plant equipment, bulk materials processing, materials properties, and more.

Participants will not only discuss in numerous sessions of the conference, they can also make new contacts and network in the exhibition which will take place besides the conference. 12 exhibitors will take their chance to present their products and services to the highly qualified audience.

Bulk Days Conference 2009 also will offer a networking programme besides the conference. All participants, speakers and exhibitors will enjoy a relaxed evening at the 19th. National food, Russian Vodka and an amusing music will make this evening a big success.

Once again, Bulk Russia 2009 to aim to bring together an audience from science and industry. A lot of fruitful discussions, new contacts and meeting old friends from all Europe will be the outcomes!

We invite you all to Bulk Russia 2009 in Moscow!

Yours sincerely,

Jochen Baumgartner

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