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53.7788735, 9.9835383

Schlehenweg 28
24558 Henstedt Ulzburg
+49 4193 968 144
+49 4193 968 145
Über Harald Kroog

borned Mai 1951 in Lübeck nea by the Baltic Sea in the North of Germany

long experience in electronic manufacturing and international OEM services in Ireland, China and Arabia countries gave me the competence to be one customer organised engineer.

now since many years I'm responsible for innovate solutions in the mineral process technology. specially for sorting solutions in bulk mineral materials
like: Limestones, iron ore, chalk, rock salt, sodalith, nickel ore, quartz etc.
to sort out different colours and qualities to get higher end quality and new mineral products.

Hobbies, are sailing, books, rock music and Ireland.

Know-how and experience:
Sorting solutions for mineral process technology,
to sort minerals by colour and shape
fractions from 3 mm up to 350 mm

also I have experience in the field of LIF Laser induced fluorescence
to measure ONLINE bulk material on a conveyor belt or LHD loading system.
To Analyse the content of the minerals and sort different types of quality.
Excample: Measure the content of Phosphore in iron ore and also
measure the content of Magnesium in Limestone etc.

Fields of Consulting work:
Colour sorting solutions
Online LIF Analysis

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