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13.7420683, 100.5302212

Prof. Dr. Wiwut Tanthapanichakoon
Professor and Deputy Director
Payathai Rd., Patumwan
Bangkok (Bangkok) 10330
+66 2218 689 4
+66 2218 687 7
Über Wiwut Tanthapanichakoon

B.Eng.,Kyoto Univ.
M.Eng., Univ. of Texas at Austin
Ph.D., Univ. of Texas at Austin
1973-1978 Research Assistant at UT-Austin
1973 to date Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Chuilalongkorn Univ.

AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers)
ACS (American Chemical Society)
SCEJ (Society of Chemical Engineers Japan)
SPTJ (Society of Powder Technology Japan)
JAAST (Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology)
EIT (Engineering Institute of Thailand)
TPA (Technology Prmotion Association (Thailand-Japan)
Science Society of Thailand
Chemical Society of Thailand

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