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47.2632849, -1.5659868

rue de la géraudière
Nantes 44322
+33 2 407 251 81
+33 2 517 854 67
Über Jean-Luc Ilari

bac Mathematics 1962,bioengineer ENSBANA Dijion1969, pots graduate applied biochemistry DIJON Univ. sept 69, Dr-engineer in Nutrition feb.1973, University assistant of biophysics (1971-1974)proF FOOD engineering 1974-2007 ENITIAA Nantes, prof particle engineering 1996.2007 Nantes Univ. Retired. National representative EFCE Mechanics of particle solids

Know-how and experience:
Senior FOOD scientist, technologist and food engineering.
From 1978,my main research Topic is powders and particles systems at ENITIAA,11 state funded research programs, 60 contract works with industry, 120 communications, 60publications, awarded Roberval PRICE 2004 for the book:Technologie des Pulvérulents dans les I.A.A., 814 pages

Fields of Consulting work:
Food Powders characterization, powder properties, powder technologies, Mixing, drying,grinding, processing, filling, Corelesscrews,coating,multicoating, pelletizing, shape forming in food industries, formulation, storage, flow problems, powders evolution and quality, powders and water.

Bac mathematics (1962),diplom engineer of ENSBANA Dijon ( 1969), Degree in applied biochemistry Dijon Univ., Dr. ing. in Nutrition ( Dijon Univ 1973)Hab.Diriger Recherches 1990, Nantes Univ.)Professor from 1974, before lecturer, member of more than ten associations

Know-how and experience:
As a senior in food science and technology, I began to take care of food powders in 1980. from this time powder characterization together with process engineering is my main field of research and activities

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