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22.5755261, 88.3732616

A P C Road
Calcutta (West Bengal) 700009
+91 33 321 743 9
+91 33 322 255 303 827 00
Über Ahindra Chandra Saha

B.E.(Mech. Engg.) in 197
M.Tech (Mech. Handling) in 1975
Ph.D in 1998 from IIT Kharagpur.
Reader in Chemical Engg. Dept., Calcutta University, Calcutta, India.
Memberships: Member of Institution of Engineers (India).
Activities & Hobbies:
Research and Consultancy.

Know-how and experience:
Can Analyze and Design systems like mixing of solids related to pneumatic transportation.

Fields of Consulting work:
1. Solid-gas mixing
2. Pneumatic transpotation
3. Wear phenomena

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