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40.941692, -81.4003583

Aldon David Miller
10668 Newbury Ave., N. W.
Uniontown (NC) 44685
Vereinigte Staaten
+1 330 265 588 1
+1 330 494 170 4
Über Aldon David Miller


Bachelor of Technology - Chemical Engineering (Ryerson Polytechnical - Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

MBA courses - LaSalle University (Louisianna, US)

Work History:
Belt Maintenance Group (US) - Conveyor Service (belt installations, belt conveyor troubleshooting, speciality manufacturing) - Nat'l Sales Manager (1989-1999)

ADM Consulting / D&T Technologies
Conveyor Consulting, splice and maintenance training, troubleshooting, conveyor system documentation, project management, product sourcing, laser alignments, and site supervisiory services for belt changeouts and system optimization. (1999 to present)

Past Memberships:

Rubber Manufacturers Association
NIBA (Nat'l Ind'l Belting Ass.) Technical Committee Member (1997 -2000)

Know-how and experience:
(1) Polymer Chemist - Rubber & Plastics (1973 - present)

(2) Chemical Engineering (1973 - present)

(3) Process Engineering (1978 - present)

(4) Belt Conveyor Troubleshooting (1989 to present)
* Bulk Material Handling systems (multi-ply, steel cord, & aramid troughing belts)
(Filter Belt systems)
(Gypsum Wallboard Forming Belt systems)
(Sandwich, HAC, Loop belt systems)
(Corrugated Sidewall Belt Systems)
(Slider bed systems)
(Multi-Fold belt systems)
(Bucket Elevator systems)
(Ship self-unloading systems)

(5) Documentation & Training (1984 - present)

Fields of Consulting work:
Splice Training
Project Management
Preventive Maintenance Process/Training

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