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Brian Quinn
General Manager
Über Brian Quinn

I am a Chartered Engineer (Mechanical) with over thirty years international experience at senior management level in the OilGasPetrochemical Industry with particular expertise in the design and construction of oil and gas (LNGLPG) storage tanks.

General manager International Operations - Aluminium Rheinfelden GmbH VACONO Divison

Know-how and experience:
Over twenty years experience in stoage tanks.

- Wide and successful experience in the management of companies involved in the oil and gas storage tankage industry both within the UK and international markets.
- Closely involved in the development and implementation of strategic plans to establish and penetrate foreign markets
- Wide international experience and many high level contacts particularly in the Middle East Region.
- Strong communication, presentation and influencing skills as well as technical expertise and credibility to win the respect of colleagues and industry representatives.

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