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18.5118446, 73.9167328

Dr. Pradip Pradip
Head, Particle Science & Technology Group
54b, Hadapsar Industrial Estate
Pune (Maharashtra) 411013
+91 20 687 105 8
+91 20 681 092 1
Über Pradip Pradip

B.Tech, Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, kanpur, India

M.S. Ph.D. Materials Science and Mineral Engineering, University of Californai, Berkeley, USA

Know-how and experience:
More than 25 years of experience in solving probelms for the industry in the areas of crusing, grinding, flotaion separationdewatering circuits,Design & developemnt of Reagentsperformace chmicalsadditives for mineral processing, ceramics, paints & pigments, cements& concrete gravitymagneticelectrostatic sepnHGMSWHIMS, waste management, effluent treatment, slurry rheology and transport, Modeling & optimization of unit operations in particulate processing dispersion-flocculation in suspensions development of novel cements from industrial & mining wastes

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