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32.7837364, -96.7618386

Jay Sullivan
1031 S. Haskell Ave.
Dallas (TX) 75223
Vereinigte Staaten
+1 214 828 860 0
+1 214 828 868 8
Über Jay Sullivan

Jay Sullivan is the president of Triple/S Dynamics, a manufacturer of specialized conveying and material separation equipment for the food, chemical, agricultural, mining, recycling, and related materials processing industries. Mr. Sullivan is a graduate of the University of Texas, with a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Know-how and experience:
Having been involved in the design and application of conveying equipment and systems for more than twenty years, Mr. Sullivan is recognized as an industry expert in horizontal motion conveying.

Fields of Consulting work:
1. Vibratory conveyors
2. Horizontal motion conveyors
3. Screening equipment

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