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Über Jiangbo Chen

1. B.E. in Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University (China), 1989
2. M. S. in Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University (China), 1995
3. Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering, MIE University (Japan), 2002
1. Owner (2007-Present)
LuoYang Botan Tech. Co., Ltd
2. Technical Consultant (2002-2006)
Matsubo Corporation Japan

Know-how and experience:
Published Papers

1. J.B. Chen, B. Cao, Flow Characteristics and Separation Mechanism in One Square Cross-Section Separator with Down Ward Exhaust. The 15th Thermal Physics Engineering Symposium of China, 1995.
2. Bolin Cao, Jiangbo Chen, etc. The Flow Field Character and Separation Way in the Square Cross-Section with Downward Exhaust Gas, 1997 Fluidized Bed Combustion, ASME, 1997, Vol.1267.
3. T. Shakouchi , J.B. Chen, etc. A Study on Virtual Impactor Type Classification (Behavior and Classification of Fine Particles), The 18th Multiphase Flow Symposium’99 Suite, July 15, 16, (1999), 129-132.
4. T. Shakouchi, J.B. Chen and H. HIGASHIMURA, A Study on Virtual-Impactor Type Classification (Behavior of Fine Solid Particle and Classification Efficiency), JSMF, 66-651B (2000), 2869-2875.
5. T. Shakouchi, J.B. Chen and H. HIGASHIMURA, Classification of Fine Solid Particles by Virtual-Impactor Type Classifier, The First Asian Particle Technology Symposium, (APT2000)
6. T. Shakouchi, J. B. Chen, T. Ando and H. Higashimura, Numerical and Experimental Analyses on Performance of Virtual-Impactor Type Classifier (Effects of the Geometry), 4th International Conference on Multiphase flow, (ICMF-2001).

classifier, classification

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