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51.1078939, 17.0616995

Monika Hardygóra
Dean of the Faculty of Mining
Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27
Wroclaw 50-370
+48 0 713 206 834
+48 0 713 444 512
Über Monika Hardygóra

Born in Legnica, Poland. In 1974 completed the Faculty of Mining at the Wroclaw University of Technology (WUT). Received Ph.D in 1977 at the WUT. In 1989 received Dr.Hab. degree from Mining Academy Freiberg, Germany. She is Professor and Dean of Faculty of Mining at the WUT, head of the conveyor belt laboratory at the Institute of Mining Engineering at the WUT.
She obtained research long-term fellowships at the following Universities:
- Institute of Transportation and Mining Machinery of the University in Hannover (West Germany) 1982/83
- mining institutes in West Germany, Departments: Clausthal, Berlin, Aachen, 1989
- Institute of Bulk Material Handling the University of Newcastle(Australia), 1991/1992
Member of the societies:
Society of Mining Professors
Europäische Konferenz Fördertechnik - Professoren
Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metalurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (SME)
Society of Polish Mining Engineers
Activities and hobbies:
travelling, bushwalking, trekking, skiing, playing bridge

Know-how and experience:
Research field of interest:
· Transport systems in all types of mines, particularly belt conveyor transportation
· Designing and calculation method of transport and winding facilities applied in mining
· Theoretical and experimental research on conveyor belts and their joints
· Rational selection of conveyor belts
· Surface mining technology

Fields of Consulting work:
conveyor belt
belt splices
mining transportation systems
surface mining technology

Zur T., Hardygóra M.: Przenosniki tasmowe w górnictwie [Belt conveyors in mining]. Slaskie Wydawnictwo Techniczne „Slask” Sp. z.o.o., Katowice 1996, s. 430 (in Polish)
Hardygóra M., Wachowicz J., Czaplicka-Kolarz K., Markusik S.: Tasmy przenosnikowe [Conveyor belts]. Warszawa: WNT 1999, 242 s. (in Polish)
Chosen papers:
Hardygóra M., Madziarz M.: Effect of multiply belts` properties on the strength of their splices. Bulk Solids Handling. 2001 vol. 21 nr 3 s. 309-314.
Jurdziak L., Hardygóra M.: Forecasts of belt replacements using the Prognoza program. Prognozowanie wymian tasm z wykorzystaniem programu Prognoza. Information technologies in the minerals industry. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Technologies in the Minerals Industry via the Internet. Ateny, 1-12 December 1997. Rotterdam; Brookfield: A.A.Balkema 1998.
Bedzinski R., Czarniecki T., Modzel P., Hardygóra M.: Photoelastic tests of the pipe conveyor belts. Osterr. Ing.-u. Archit. Z. 1998 Jg 143 H. 5 s. 218-221.
Hardygóra M.: Environmental problems associated with the operation of belt conveyors.. Environmental issues and waste management in energy and mineral production. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production-SWEMP '98. Ankara, Turkey, 18-20 May 1998. Rotterdam; Brookfield: A.A.Balkema 1998 s. 185-188.
Hardygóra M., Madziarz M., Wojtylak M: Strength of conveyor belt splices. Mining science and technology '99. Proceedings of the '99 International Symposium on Mining Science and Technology. Beijing, China, 29-31 August 1999. Rotterdam;Brookfield: A.A.Balkema 1999 s. 661-666.
Jurdziak L., Hardygóra M.: The effect of conveyor belt load upon belt durability. Mine planning and equipment selection 2000. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection.. Athens, Greece, 6-9 November 2000. Rotterdam; Brookfield: A.A.Balkema 2000 s. 595-599.
Hardygóra M.: Bandanlagetransport im Braunkohlentagebau Belchatów -entwicklung und heutiger stand. Stand und perspektiven der kontinuierlichen Tagebautechnik. 6th International Symposium. Continuous Surface Mining. ISCSM 2001. Proceedings. Freiberg, 20-22 June 2001. Freiberg: TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Institut fuer Bergbau 16-22.
Hardygóra M: Research on properties of polyamide and polyester-polyamide conveyor belts. Mine planning and equipment selection 2001. Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. New Delhi, India, November 19-21, 2001. New Delhi; Calcutta: Oxford & IBH Publ. 2001 s. 75-80.

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