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Sandeep Kumar
Mechanical Engineer, Plant Improvements and problem solving
Über Sandeep Kumar

Mechanical Engineering Team Lead Project Engineer

Complete project cycle experience including FEED, detail design, project management, construction site support, commissioning, plant startup, warranty management, plant ramp up, reliability improvement, capacity enhancement and problem solving. Project leader multiple complex projects with direct supervision of 40 site and engineering resources.

 Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
 Over fourteen years of experience in Mining and Project Management.
 Presently leading a team of 30 site resources and 10 engineering office resources for plant capacity enhancement, reliability improvement and problem solving. Leading warranty management.
 Responsible to drive through the ramp up phase of the plant successfully and now working on plant upgrades to enhance plant capacity by 50 .
 Perform root cause analysis, problem solving, design solutions, implementation and feedback.
 Responsible for yearly projects identifications, feasibility study, management approvals, awards, implementations, and progress reporting.
 Organize sitewide initiatives and lead implementation on “Wet weather readiness”, “Management Walkdowns” and “Maintenance coordinator for Business improvement”.
 Manage Contractors and suppliers for project execution.
 Mainstream experience in engineering and design as material handling engineer, engineering team lead and project engineer for complex projects.
 Construction support: Mechanical and piping field engineer, project engineer and site material management with direct supervision skills.
 Operations and Maintenance: Team leader for plant reliability team, project management, warranty management and business improvement.
 Contract types include: Lump Sum-Turn Key, Cost Reimbursable and Project Management Consultant (PMC), Client.
 Industry experience in Mining, oil & gas, fertilizer, cement and utilities.


 Preparation and review of complex Contracts, specifications, datasheets, CDDC, Program bulletins, Criticality ratings, trade off study, engineering standards, cost estimates, General and detail layouts, requisitions, Bid evaluations, drawings review and approval, Method statements, job safety analysis, project handover packages….
 Major Contracts handled: Port material handling and export plant (13.2 MTPA Bauxite handling facility), diesel unloading and storage facility (6,000 m3 diesel storage), plant reliability and capacity enhancement team, barge loader slew bearing replacement.
 Plant reliability and problem solving (Chutes, scrappers, air cannons, advance studies..)
 Warranty management: Raise defects to Contractors under DLP (Defect Liability Period), co-ordination (Contractors, commercial team, management, operations, HSE and maintenance disciplines) and technical discussions, resolution and implementation to close NCR. Support commercial and legal teams with cost and technical justifications. Organizing warranty negotiations and providing engineering support.
 Team leader for Mechanical and multidisciplinary teams.
 Lead site improvements (from engineering to implementation and handover)
 Mining equipment: Belt Conveyors, Crushers and Screens, Belt Feeder, Apron Feeder, Car Dumper, Stacker Reclaimer, Barge Loader, Hoppers ..
 Materials Handling: Bauxite, Potash, Phosphate, petrochemicals, Gold ore, Iron ore, Lignite, limestone, coke, coal ..
 Wet Process Area: Flotation, Filter, Agitator, Slurry Pumps, Centrifuge ..
 Powder Handling: Bucket elevators, Air Slides, Dryer, Compactor, Bag packing, Truck wagon loading …
 Fertilizer Plant: Mixer, Den, Dryer, Granulator …
 Utilities: Compressed Air System, Fire Fighting system, Ventilation system, Dust Suppression, water and sewage treatment…
 Site Material Management: Implementation of Grid structure, material database and material flow reporting ..
 Mechanical Handling: Rigging study of Pumps, vessel components, valves, electrical equipment ..

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