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Dr. Stephen Grocott
Managing Director & CEO
Über Stephen Grocott

Dr Grocott is CEO of Queensland Pacific Metals a start-up company developing the TECH project to create up to 16,000 tpa high purity nickel sulfate (containing 12ktpa nickel).

Prior to this he was Chief Technical Development Officer of Clean TeQ Holdings Ltd, an Australian and Canadian-listed technology company focused on development of resources to service new energy and materials markets. He is responsible for Clean TeQ’s Technical Development & Technology function. Stephen was also a non-executive director and past Chair of Amira International, the world’s largest broker of minerals industry R&D and is Adjunct Professor with RMIT University’s Centre for Advanced Materials and Industrial Chemistry.

Prior to joining Clean TeQ’s Executive Committee, Dr Grocott was previously Chief Advisor – Processing with Rio Tinto, in charge of the Group’s processing technical support, process development and major project capital reviews. Prior to his 9 years with Rio Tinto, he held a similar role in BHP Billiton where he was Global Technology Manager – Minerals Separation & Hydrometallurgy where he led the Group’s Minerals Separation & Hydrometallurgy technical development. He has also supported operations around the world for Alcoa, Comalco, Southern Pacific Petroleum and Worsley Alumina.

Dr Grocott has 35 years’ experience in minerals processing technology and process development and is a world authority in the processing of nickel, cobalt, bauxite, alumina, copper and uranium as well as experienced with rare earths, titania, tailings, oil shale oil, biofuels and sensors & analysers. His expertise includes leaching, crystallisation, SX, electrowinning, IX, beneficiation, solid-liquid separation, tailings, process safety, online analysis, environment (liquid, solid and gaseous emissions) and risk communication. He has created many technologies and processes which are now in commercial use in operations around the globe and has published ~50 papers and been granted ~10 patents.

Stephen holds a BSc (Hons) and PhD in Physical and Inorganic Chemistry from the University of Western Australia.

2017/12 – 2021/7
(3 Years / 7 Monate)
Chief Technical Development Officer
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