Muller Beltex at VICTAM 2015

Posted in: , on 20. Jun. 2015 - 16:10


Muller Beltex: Victam exhibition in Cologne, a great success for visitors and exhibitors

The 50th anniversary of Victam was a great success and well attended by so many enthusiastic visitors.

We would like to thank everyone of you who visited our booth between Buhler and Ottevanger Milling engineers. We are working hard now to follow up on all your requests for information, technical questions and inquiries.

Nevertheless, please get in touch with one of us if your request needs to be dealt with today rather than tomorrow. Call or email your team member. We are here for you!


The Muller Beltex Crew

muller_beltex_at_victam 2015_cologne

Lars Muller

Frits Muller

Ewout den Ronden

Anja Franz

Justin van den Heuvel

Danny Noordeloos

Joost Keijzer

Mary Koot

More information on Muller Beltex

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Google Search – Images

Muller Beltex Corporate Video

Muller Beltex on the Portal

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