Nitrogen Inertization

Posted in: , on 25. Apr. 2015 - 16:08

Good morning everybody.

While thinking about some system in our industry, I thought of an idea but dont know if it will work or not. Please help me.

We have big silos containing iron dust which is highly reactive to atmospheric air. To avoid any kind of reaction, the silos are filled on top (sealing) with nitrogen. So there is always a flow of nitrogen. The exit of the nitrogen is to open atmosphere via a valve which maintains a pressure inside the silo. I want to save this nitrogen which is being wasted at outlet of the silo. Is there a way to collect this nitrogen? Any one has come across such arrangement ?

Illustration added by Administrator as an example only:


Nitrogen Generators

Re: Nitrogen Inertization

Erstellt am 25. Apr. 2015 - 04:53

Your best bet might to be to purchase a nitrogen generator and pipe the discharge of the silo to the generator. You will need to pressurize the exhaust nitrogen anyway so why not just get a generator and then have the generator supply your pressure tanks.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
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Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Vent Valve Rules

Erstellt am 26. Apr. 2015 - 03:59

Consider that if you want to recycle nitrogen you are going to restrict the original exhaust flow.

Presumably the vent valve setting will remain the same. You might need an expansion chamber between the new exhaust and your existing nitrogen generator which will limit the losses through your existing relief valve.

There is an Italian outfit somewhere on the e-directory who make a snifting valve and similar. They will be better able to advise.

John Gateley