Protection from Lime & Dolime Dust

Posted in: , on 11. Jul. 2014 - 20:46

Dear Experts,

In the lime & dolime handling route, their dust cause irritation to the skin. Continuous exposure makes horrible for working at those place for me. Though full boiler-suit, hand gloves, dust-masks, googles are worn, the itching effect could not be 100% ruled out. Compressed air is used for dusting-off before coming back to office from those site.

My request : "Is there any protective oil or cream available to protect the skin ? Or is there any simple or cost effective methods adopted, so that above ill effects can be avoided ?"

Thanks a lot in anticipation & Regards to all,


Lay It On

Erstellt am 12. Jul. 2014 - 01:39

There are barrier creams available and they are very effective. They are generally located in the washrooms so that they can be reapplied as required. I'm not so sure how close to the eyelids they can be applied. Those creams I have used were disinfectant as well as providing a barrier.

Nivea and Neutrogena supply Barrier Creams to the public and your own stores can buy some a lot cheaper for you. You've just reminded me to replenish my spent stock, thanks.

John Gateley

Dust Controlling Binding Compounds As Stadiums, Airports Runway…

Erstellt am 10. Sep. 2014 - 06:11

Dear Collegues,

I am afraid it wouldn't economically reasonable. Looks like it is an enormous area that must be covered by soil from another area and mixed with KF-D. Of, course you can try to propose as a a mix of cement, sand, and KF-D with dusty surface.

It is correct about high probability of rock fill particles rearrangement, but unfortunately there is no universal recipe because every time situation is different. Very often ground stabilization solves the problem by soil premix with additive and placement rock fill after

For areas with active filtration or high water table, KF-D must be injected.

The application of KF-D and EMS treatment creates a chemically changed structure of soil and building materials liner with a reduction in hydraulic conductivity. The degree of improvement depends on initial density of the structure. For crumbling soil it is almost 100 times more effective than for untreated soil in stopping of leaks and moisture flow or seeping.

Do not hesitate to ask about sample for your trials even on a job site.

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With Best Regards,

Dilip Shah/Dr. Alex Rusinoff

NRD Industries. USA

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