Safe Distance between Berths at Port

Posted in: , on 7. Jun. 2014 - 02:24

We are doing master planning of a port in India,where the coal unloading Berth is very near to LNG

berth(due to space constraints). The distance between open coal stockyard and the LNG tanks shall be around 150 m only.In future, there shall be liquid berth about 200 m away on other side,mean the coal stockyard will be between LNG tanks and liquid tank. We know, it is not recommended to have open stockyard in between, but, if we store coal in Vertical Storage silos, then we can think of viability of having berth for coal unloading. We need comments from the experts on this forum.

Anil Seth

Same Old Story.

Erstellt am 8. Jun. 2014 - 02:40

What you really need is to do your homework before asking the other members to provide you with a free design based on very scant information, as usual,

"We know, it is not recommended to have open stockyard in between" Really? Is coal more hazardous than LPG in that part of the world? Get real.

John Gateley

Re: Safe Distance Between Berths At Port

Erstellt am 9. Jun. 2014 - 12:54

Thanks John, For your Candy.


Quote Originally Posted by johngateleyView Post
What you really need is to do your homework before asking the other members to provide you with a free design based on very scant information, as usual,

"We know, it is not recommended to have open stockyard in between" Really? Is coal more hazardous than LPG in that part of the world? Get real.

Re: Safe Distance Between Berths At Port

Erstellt am 10. Jun. 2014 - 12:28

A Typical Master--Thanks again.

Quote Originally Posted by johngateleyView Post
What you really need is to do your homework before asking the other members to provide you with a free design based on very scant information, as usual,

"We know, it is not recommended to have open stockyard in between" Really? Is coal more hazardous than LPG in that part of the world? Get real.