Grounding Protection for Trucks

Posted in: , on 17. Sep. 2013 - 14:41


How can I safely ground my truck in places where there’s no grounding system to do it for me?

Trucks transferring flammable products require static grounding protection to prevent the build-up of static electricity on the truck or equipment, like hoses, that are connected to the truck. If static electricity is allowed to build up on the truck the discharge of a static spark becomes a very real, but unseen, ignition hazard. In terminals equipped with loading racks, static grounding systems ensure static electricity cannot accumulate on the truck during loading or unloading.

However, many trucks recovering or transporting flammable product conduct transfer operations in locations where static grounding systems are not present. This is mostly due to the nature of the operation, which could range from cleaning out a storage tank to delivering product to sites where grounding systems are not installed at the product delivery point.


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Trucks transferring flammable products

do not always have access to a static grounding system.

In situations where grounding system are not present, grounding is usually achieved with a cable reel that bonds the truck to what is assumed to be a functional grounding point. However, it is impossible for a bonding reel to determine if the grounding point will in fact transfer electrostatic charges to ground. It is also not possible to monitor the truck’s connection to the grounding point for the duration of the transfer operation, which is risky as the driver will not know if the grounding clamp connection is compromised unless he has a visual confirmation of this.

A truck mounted system like the Earth-Rite® MGV removes any risk of “false” grounding points being mistakenly used by the driver. By simply connecting the MGV’s clamp to the grounding point, the MGV automatically verifies if the grounding point has a connection to the general mass of the Earth that will prevent the build of static charges on the truck. Not only does the MGV ensure the truck is connected to a true Earth ground, it also monitors the truck’s connection to the verified ground for the duration of the transfer operation. Structures and equipment that are in permanent contact with the ground (e.g. support beams, motor casings, and fences) can be tested to provide a grounding point for the truck. Even in situations where such options are not present a temporary ground can be tested and established with a set of ground rods.


(double click on picture to open in new window)

The truck mounted grounding system, the Earth-Rite® MGV,

tests grounding points to ensure they are capable of grounding trucks.

Should the MGV detect a compromised ground connection two volt-free (dry) contacts facilitate the shutdown of the transfer operation, preventing the generation, and subsequent accumulation, of static electricity. This feature, combined with the bright attention grabbing LED ground status indicators, ensure the safety of the operation is enhanced well above the levels provided by basic bonding reels.


(double click on picture to open in new window)

The Earth-Rite® MGV, ensures the resistance to True Earth

is low enough to safely ground the truck.

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