New Conveyor Design Software

Posted in: , on 27. May. 2012 - 16:02

Dear All,

I am planning to develop a conveyor design software for my own use in the first place.

Any of you that have got experince doing this appreciate let me know the steps that I need to take. from start to finish step by step. this will help me move with a good plan.

Has all the software developed so far are excel based ? What other software can be used to develop the conveyor design software?

Many thanks for your help.



Best Regards, [I][B]Alex Kaveh Senior Mechanical Engineer Mobile : 0451 563 155 Email : [email][/email][/B][/I]

Re: New Conveyor Design Software

Erstellt am 27. May. 2012 - 03:02

Dear Alex,

Developing your own software is quite a challenge, especially if there is already a number of (user-friendly and reliable) programs available on the market.

A very important advantage of the process is that you are forced to research and formalize the technical and theoretical issues of the subject.

It will improve your understanding and quick judgment of aspects.

The software, I would advise is Visual Basic, which is a free download.




Re: New Conveyor Design Software

Erstellt am 27. May. 2012 - 07:06

You might want to have a look at this thread.

But as Teus says you are up for a major challenge. A colleague and I developed an excel spreadsheet that was based on most of the formulas in the CEMA 5th edition - it worked fairly well but we opted out for Belt Analyst Program from Overland Conveyor as our design program of preference. It works very well and is based on CEMA.

So your starting point is to get a copy of the latest CEMA (I think it is CEMA 6th now) or what ever standard you wish to base your program on. From there follow their procedure and formulas as you need.

Good luck.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Conveyor Design Software

Erstellt am 30. May. 2012 - 03:56

Dear Sir,

Since many years our design software for belt conveyors, screw conveyors, bucket elevators and chain conveyors is totally free of charge and used by something like 4,000 users worldwide.

It is made in a Windows application and we do not give away the source of course.

If you want to receive the download instructions and registration code , please send and e-mail to

The software is based on the ISO and DIN standards. A lot of known bulk products are in the database for friction factors and density.

kind regards,

Jur Lommerts

Jansen & Heuning Bulk Handling Systems

Re: New Conveyor Design Software

Erstellt am 22. Apr. 2013 - 04:05
Quote Originally Posted by alex-kavehView Post

I am planning to develop a conveyor design software for my own use in the first place.


Just wondering how you are going with your software?

I have always wondered about writing my own. I have started but it is a long term project to get to a marketable stage.
