Minibags from TiszaTextil Packaging

Posted in: , on 16. Apr. 2012 - 14:58

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minibags von TiszaTextil Packaging

TISZATEXTIL PACKAGING is a French company belonging to the Franz Starlinger Holding (FSH). Since the 1970’s TISZA has been producing and marketing large flexible containers ( big-bags ) designed to meet the requirements of numerous industries.

More recently, the company developed a small model, the minibag, intended for the storage and transport of dry semi-finished pharmaceutical products. The minibags are available in square or rectangular shapes. Thus for example, the minibag 400 is the most economic alternative owing to its capacity, dimensions and price ratio during the minibag 400 R has been developed in to optimize loading capacity in the standard spaces of robotized storehouses.


Filling of minibag

The minibag system represents an intelligent alternative both to large rigid metal or plastic containers as well as to small cardboard and plastic drums. In contrast to the rigid containers they have an inlet noozle for filling and also a resealable outlet for emptying the bags. The noozle can be adjusted individually depending on the application.

This is a safe, economical solution designed to receive powders, granules, tablets and capsules and feed the final packaging lines. It is also widely used as a bulk container for the transfer of products from the production site to the various packaging facilities.


TiszaTextil minibag in operation

The advantages are numerous:

SAFETY - the minibag system totally eliminates the risk of cross-contamination

ERGONOMIC design - the minibag is used to receive, store, transport and feed the products. Intermediate handling is no longer necessary.

REDUCED COSTS - the savings achieved amount to several hundred, even several thousand euros / dollars per batch.

ECOLOGY - significant reduction of water consumption and wastes

More details?

Please, contact our team on ACHEMA booth TiszaTextil Packaging

Hall 3.1., A 72

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