Maximum Height of Take-up

Posted in: , on 9. Apr. 2012 - 18:06

Dear experts,

What could be the maximum distance between the bend pulleys and take up pulley ? Though we may have margins for future joints, having higher margin in vertical take-ups, may not be suitable for maintenance. Requesting your opinions please.


Re: Maximum Height Of Take-Up

Erstellt am 11. Apr. 2012 - 05:29

Hi there Sganesh..

A lot of people put the vertical gravity take-up too close to the elevated head end of their conveyors, making the take up travel too long.

This makes the bend pulleys very high up and difficult to maintain, so put the vertical gravity take up further down the slope where a practical and useful take up can be installed.

If you have a high take-up and have the counterweight high up, there will be drama if the belt breaks.

For fabric belt use a take up travel 1.5% of the conveyor's pulley centre distance, and add a bit more for a couple of re-splices.


LSL Tekpro

Graham Spriggs

Re: Maximum Height Of Take-Up

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2012 - 02:04
Quote Originally Posted by Graham SpriggsView Post
Hi there Sganesh..

A lot of people put the vertical gravity take-up too close to the elevated head end of their conveyors, making the take up travel too long.

This makes the bend pulleys very high up and difficult to maintain, so put the vertical gravity take up further down the slope where a practical and useful take up can be installed.

If you have a high take-up and have the counterweight high up, there will be drama if the belt breaks.

For fabric belt use a take up travel 1.5% of the conveyor's pulley centre distance, and add a bit more for a couple of re-splices.


LSL Tekpro

Thanks a lot Mr.Graham Spriggs,

A) I have seen many conveyors having vertical take up. Majority of them are installed as close as to the drive pulleys which are at a higher elevations.

What could be the reason for keeping take-up so nearer to the drive pulleys, though belt elongation may not happen that much length ?

B) It is the normal tendency of maintenance engineers to provide extra length of the conveyor, thinking of re-splices requirements.

Some times, this makes the belt off tracking in the take-up pulley. Keeping the belt in center of the take-up pulley is a laborious job.


Re: Maximum Height Of Take-Up

Erstellt am 24. Apr. 2012 - 10:54
Quote Originally Posted by sganeshView Post
A) I have seen many conveyors having vertical take up. Majority of them are installed as close as to the drive pulleys which are at a higher elevations.

What could be the reason for keeping take-up so nearer to the drive pulleys, though belt elongation may not happen that much length ?

Mr. Sgnaesh,

During start-up and braking, belt loop in the take-up unit compansates the stress waves' propagation. That's why keeping the take-up close to the source of the stress wave is a common application.

