Tail Snub Pulley

Posted in: , on 12. Mar. 2012 - 10:33

Dear experts,

In one of our designs, we have a chance to use a tail pulley with the diameter equal to the distance between carrry and return belts. On this circumstance wrap angle around the tail pulley will be 180 degrees with or without tail snub pulley. So i can remove that one. My question is; what is the importance of the wrap angle in tail pulley. Does it provide us an extra advantage?

Re: Tail Snub Pulley

Erstellt am 12. Mar. 2012 - 06:11

Dear Mr.cancengiz,

Having tail snub pulley , makes the return belt flat before entering to the tail pulley. It makes the V Scrapper to work effectively. Also it reduces the load on the first return roller from the tail pulley. But, I have removed many tail snub pulleys from the conveyors. I did not face any apparent problem.

Request others also to add their valuable opinions.


Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Tail Snub Pulley

Erstellt am 13. Mar. 2012 - 12:37

Dear Mr.cancengiz,

this simply might have been a design requirement from the clients specification, without any technical background. Also, there might have been considerations concerning space requirements or a carry / return side distance requirement. I don't think that the wrap angle plays a role in your case, except the tail pulley has been a driven pulley in the past or is prepared to become one just in case.



Re: Tail Snub Pulley

Erstellt am 15. Mar. 2012 - 02:58

Thank you gentlemen, for your replies.

Re: Tail Snub Pulley

Erstellt am 24. Apr. 2012 - 05:30

Hi there Cancengiz..

The basic rule is ... use the absolute minimum number of pulleys on any conveyor.

You have to buy them, re-lag them, change them, curse them for reducing belt life and look after their bearings.

Snub pulleys are notorious for being inacessible, and many users remove them and simply don't put them back.

Consequently I never ever use snub pulleys at the tail (they also tend to run in the dirt), and very rarely use them at the head as well.


LSL Tekpro

Graham Spriggs

An Upside Down World

Erstellt am 25. Apr. 2012 - 03:37

Applications mentioned so far really refer to bend pulleys. Snubs properly refers to situations where the wrap over a driving pulley has to be considered. I recall a very learned member of the forum pointing out that for a tail drive the snub drum should operate on the top strand where the tension is lower. As yet I have not had chance to apply the information, but there are some details which are never forgotten.

Tail Snub Pulley

Erstellt am 18. May. 2012 - 10:06

There is never a need for a tail snub pulley and there is not a need for 180 degrees of wrap. Sometimes, in the case of a large diameter tail pulley, a snub pulley is used to deflect the belt line back to the normal distance between carrying and return as dictated by the attachment to the channel stringers. This can just as easily be done by deflecting return idlers over an appropriate distance. Like Graham I believe that the least number of pulleys is best.

Joe Dos Santos

Dos Santos International 531 Roselane St NW Suite 810 Marietta, GA 30060 USA Tel: 1 770 423 9895 Fax 1 866 473 2252 Email: jds@ dossantosintl.com Web Site: [url]www.dossantosintl.com[/url]