Bollegraaf Recycling Machinery

Posted in: , on 4. Dec. 2011 - 19:14


Bollegraaf wins Groninger Ondernemingsprijs 2011

Bollegraaf Recycling Machinery is the winner of the Groninger Ondernemingsprijs 2011, the Groningen Award for Entrepreneurs. The jury, consisting of government representatives and fellow entrepreneurs, commended Bollegraaf for its successful innovation and export strategy in particular; they have turned Bollegraaf into a leading company in the recycling industry over its 50 years of existence. The founder, Hartog Bollegraaf, started by producing recycling machines in Appingedam. By the end of the 1980s, Bollegraaf successfully expanded its territory with its own sites in important markets, including Germany, France, Spain, Great Britain, and the United States.


Bollegraaf Recycling Machinery:

50 years of recycling solutions

During the 23 years the current Director Heiman Bollegraaf has been at the helm of the company, there has been further internationalisation. Under his leadership Bollegraaf distinguished itself with turnkey sorting systems for the recycling industry. Innovation has always been an important element of the Bollegraaf strategy; it has made Bollegraaf the technical benchmark in the global market. Its successful strategy has enabled Bollegraaf to gain international recognition as a solid partner for the recycling industry. At a regional level, the company has generated employment for many decades, making an important contribution to the Northern Netherlands’ economy. Bollegraaf would like to thank all its clients and employees for their share in this success. The award is the pinnacle of 50 years of entrepreneurship and adds one more festive element to this anniversary year.

The award was presented to Heiman Bollegraaf, CEO of Bollegraaf Recycling Machinery, by the Queen’s Commissioner for the Province of Groningen, Max van den Berg, during a live TV broadcast. The jury report applauds Bollegraaf for its solidity and innovative power, its modern personnel policy, its vision of the international territory, and its clear choices and focus: ‘Bollegraaf does what it does best and improves continuously’.

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Re: Bollegraaf Recycling Machinery

Erstellt am 10. Aug. 2012 - 12:28

Balers and shredders are also good recycling equipment. Nowadays, in many industries using them to control their waste.