Re: Belt Conveyor Market

Erstellt am 20. Aug. 2011 - 03:53
Quote Originally Posted by Rafael PinheiroView Post

I'm doing a study about the belt conveyor market, does anyone knows where I could find more information about it?

Sorry if this isn't the right place to post it, and if this topic does not follows the forum rules no problem in deleting it.

Thanks for the attention!

Look to the Government listing of the registered applications and approvals licences for Mining , Quarrying , Agricultural , Port Authorities locations. This will give a quantity of sites but you will then have to do a 'guestimation' on each site.

My estimations for Australian sites are as follows and others have confirmed that I have underestimated the volume but it is still reasonable close.

Coal Mines 4M T/y = 25Kms

CM Preparation Plants = 23Kms

Hard Rock mines = 30Kms

Quarries general = 5Kms

Agricultural Storage = 9Kms

Port Authorities = 92Kms

I simply checked the listed sites with the Government and multiplied them out. It is very rough but accurate enough for general purposes. It is a large under estimation if you want accuracy greater than this for some special calculation project as not all belt conveyors are included but it is a starting point.

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