Confined Space of a Machinery Pit

Posted in: , on 27. May. 2011 - 06:04

Confined space as it relates to a machinery pit


Following on from my posting on trying to get some information on equipment, I did eventually manage to get some information from a couple of suppliers, although not exactly what I needed, it did give me enough to go on.

Now I have an issue with a machinery pit. Under our OH&S (OSHA in the US), the pit as it exists is 1830 mm deep (6') and so is a confined space. The question I have is what the maximum pit depth is so that it is not considered a confined space?

Unfortunately, the Australian Standard web site gives little information on the detail in the standard, and I have been bitten before where I have bought a standard (a few hundred dollars) only to discover that all that standard did was refer to another one which I could have bought in the first place and would have cost less. Of course, no refunds, but never mind.

Various sources say that the limit is 1.5 m (basically so that the average person can poke their head out of the pit), however the OSHA information I can look up says it is 4' (1219.2 mm to be exact).

Can anyone with an AS2865 - 2009 tell me if this information is actually in the standard before I buy it or is it in another standard referred to AS 2865?


[I]Ian A. White, MIEAust. CPEng. RPEQ WAI Engineering [URL=""][/URL][/I]
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