Roller Grinders by Neuhaus Neotec

Posted in: , on 5. Jan. 2011 - 20:25

Roller Grinders made by Neuhaus Neotec

The granulation of different solids is a question of high precision and Know How. Neuhaus Neotec developed the grinding technology by setting technical standards with narrow particle size distribution. With more than 40 years of experience, the roller grinders represent the current state of art. The touch screen control as well as optional temperature monitoring systems simplify the operation of the grinders. Heating up of the product while running on high capacities is under control. The precise particle range is assured by special geometry and surface conditions with optional single drives *of the rollers. (Neuhaus Neotec) Roller grinders are available in different sizes for various products, (applications) and *capacities. The new constructed pilot plant is equipped with most modern technology *for product tests in granulation and agglomeration.

For more information, please visit:


roller_grinders_neuhaus_neo (JPG)

neuhaus_neotec_logo (JPG)

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