RHEWUM Screens for DUBAL

Posted in: , on 24. Dec. 2010 - 19:30


In November RHEWUM gained the order by Dubal for the delivery of three screening machines type WAU 195x269/2 for screening of petrol coke. The machines will replace three RHEWUM screening machines type WA 150x269/2.

By their trouble-free and reliable operation since their installation in 1993 these screens added to the economical success of one of the worldwide largest producers of Aluminium. By exchanging the machines the capacity of each screen will be increased from 30 t/h to 40 t/h at screen cuts of 4.7 and 0.8 mm at same required space.

“We think that the running time of the machines without any cut backs from quality is a clear indication for RHEWUM´s high quality claim” says RHEWUM GmbH. The quality of the new screens will be accordingly, self-evident also “Made in Germany”. The confidence in RHEWUM technology and the experience of the users of RHEWUM screening machines are the key to a successful future. Also in fast moving times RHEWUM sticks to its principles: RHEWUM remains leader in quality and technology.“We are developing the products further day-to-day. With our demands for long life-cycle and reliability as well as our high quality claim we are rarely the obviously low priced supplier. But customers compare the total cost of ownership (TOC). Due to the low need for spare parts and the well proven long life-cycle of the screening machines our customers after the base investment are able to produce for less costs than their competitors. Dubals decision to order the new screening machines from RHEWUM confirms us in sticking to our high quality claims at that time as well as today” says Sigurd Schütz, Managing Director of RHEWUM GmbH.

About Outotec

Outotec is one of the global leading suppliers of process technology in the metallurgical and mining industry. The position as a leader in this sector is based on the combination of long-term experience of two companies active in this field: Outokumpu, founded in 1910, and Lurgi GmbH. By the acquisition of Lurgi GmbH in 2001 Outokumpu completed its portfolio for metallurgical and mining industry; in 2007 company´s name changed to Outotec.

Abut Dubal

Dubal is the one of the worldwide largest aluminium smelters. Dubal produces approx. 980 mt/year primary aluminium, for this a 2.335 MW power plant and a casting unit for 1.270 mt/year were build. Dubal was founded in 1971 and 50% of it are part of EMAL, an affiliated company located in Abu Dhabi. Meanwhile Dubal is also active in mining of bauxite in Brazil, Guinea, India and Kamerun.


As your technology partner we design and construct our machines regarding your requirements. We focus on progressive methods to reach the customers´ demands and count on our experience in manufacturing of more than 6.000 screening machines until now.

For more information, please visit:


href="https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/9003-rhewum.htm" target="blank">https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/9003-rhewum.htm


href="http://www.google.de/search?num=100&hl=de&client=safari&rls=en&q=RHEWUM++site%3Abulk-online.com&btnG=Suche&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gsrfai=" target="blank">http://www.google.de/search?num=100&...=&oq=&gsrfai=


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