
Erstellt am 8. May. 2010 - 04:10

the mebers need more information from you about this as what ou have asked use for paints a broad brush stroke and is vague unfortunately.

One begs to ask why you have not offered more detail simply as you flights are small and then longer rather than one flight?

Are you feeding a dedicated screening plant with a cascade screening flow after the promary screen and crusher and a recirculation circuit for oversize and feeding exposed stock piles after the screen cuts?

You should be consulting the CEMA texts and others in australias conveying organizations about this first as you are within an engineering organization apparently branching out into the mining mass transportation.

And as we have no idea regarding the material being conveyed, the installation and whether it is underground or on the surface, or whether it is a steel supported or cable supported belt, operating voltage etc. , its something you should be discussing with R. J. Morrish on your side of the pacific pond.

DONT be vague or evasive, because it gets you no where with me at least and the other members who are active on the forum you have nothing to loose by simply being straight forward and open with us. your asking for help and not being forthcoming with information and it does not help you here because it only creates issues with your credibility.

Essentially your asking for information for free and something that would be better asking R. J. Morrish and have done with it.

You asked the question and you have the unique opportunity to obtain advice from hundreds of years of collective education and work experience from the forum members,

Its up to you now whether you stay the game.

Help us to help you to help us help you!
