Dust Suppression

Erstellt am 2. Dec. 2009 - 05:46

You may want to investigate a portable high performance dust suppression option from Dust Control Technology. You can view info on their products at www.dustboss.com.

(not verified)

Re: Dust Suppression "Umbrella"

Erstellt am 3. Dec. 2009 - 11:05

Dust boss is separate unit and needs power source (electricity or aggregator). Umbrella works from machine own hydraulic system and it is always with working machine. Only water source is needed.

And water pressure is low so it isn't producing thick fog that is needed if you want to suppress the dust efficiently.

"» Do not operate above 100 PSI (6.89 BAR) water pressure or unit may be damaged." Dustboss doesn't have self suction so you can't suck water from pond or cistern. Umbrella sucks from 10-15 feet below by itself.



Water Pressure, bar 2.8 4.14 5.5 6.89 11 12.4 13.8

Water Flow, lpm 45.3 55.4 64.0 71.6 90.5 96.0 101.2

Dynaset Dust suppression Umbrella


Water Pressure, bar 120

Water Flow, lpm 6

There's some difference.

More info at www.dynaset.com


Erstellt am 4. Dec. 2009 - 05:13

Could you explain in detail how a truck with an sprinkler on the top helps us to have clean lungs?

dk bulk-good-solutions.com.ar 5491145337982
(not verified)

Re: Dust Suppression "Umbrella"

Erstellt am 11. Dec. 2009 - 01:58

Small particle dust goes with breathing air in to lungs and when it's enough small sized, it stays in lungs for ages.

With high pressure "sprinkler", as you named it, is possible to get thick water fog over and around working machine. In this case there is excavator and it's working and moving in dusty ground. Often just moving in really dry ground causes dust rising from the ground and this kind of dust suppression is for general dust suppression.

Still the best way seems to be accurate dust suppression with high pressure water. Right nozzles and right aiming to dusty material is key principals.


high pressure dust suppression_application (PDF)

Re: Dust Suppression "Umbrella"

Erstellt am 18. Dec. 2009 - 09:41

Looks like a normal English summers day.....

It does look like a rather heavy water useage system. So have you got the necessary water supply ahd does this amount of wetting cause handling problems?

(not verified)

Re: Dust Suppression "Umbrella"

Erstellt am 19. Dec. 2009 - 10:10

There are two nozzles with 01 nominal size holes. So when system is used with 100bar pressure, water consumption is max 4,6 lpm, when used constantly.

Normaly just a few seconds spin is enough to generate fog "curtains" over dusting material.

Of course wind is negative factor for this kind of a system, and in windy places it's perhaps better to use more accurate systems with special nozzles. This system gives the area where the machine is working small moisture, but it won't make it wet or muddy.

More accurate systems can be found e.g. on

