EFCE Excellence Award in 2010

Posted in: , on 23. Jul. 2009 - 17:02

EFCE Excellence Award in Mechanics of Particulate Solids 2010

The European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) is pleased to announce the triennial Excellence Award in Mechanics of Particulate Solids. The award aims to recognise a PhD thesis or associated paper(s), which demonstrate(s) an outstanding contribution to research and/or practice in Mechanics of Particulate Solids.

The award consists of a certificate, a cash prize of 1500 Euros, a travel grant of up to 500 Euros and fee waiver to attend the International Congress on Particle Technology, PARTEC, where the award will be presented.

The first EFCE Excellence Award in Mechanics of Particulate Solids will be presented during a plenary session of the PARTEC congress, to be jointly held with the World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT6) in Nuremberg, Germany, from 26 to 29 April 2010. The winner will be invited to give a presentation following the award ceremony.

Nominations may be submitted by any PhD supervisor at a PhD-awarding institution in an EFCE member country or by a member of an EFCE member society . The nominated PhD thesis or paper(s) must address a topic relevant to the field of Mechanics of Particulate Solids. PhD theses or paper(s) published between January 2007 and November 2009 may be nominated for evaluation.

Closing date for nominations: 30 November 2009.

Further information about the nomination procedure, selection of candidates, eligibility, supporting documentation, etc., can be obtained from the EFCE website at



Prof. Massimo Poletto

Chairman of the Working Party Mechanics of Particulate Solids

Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering

Department of Chemical and Food Engineering

University of Salerno

Via Ponte Don Melillo

I-84084 Fisciano (SA)



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