Odd Problem with an Old Vibrating Screen

Posted in: , on 24. Jun. 2009 - 08:38

had an interesting call today:

Gentleman, had an old TYLER SCREEN, worked fine for past 20 years and advised following situation:

- he had changed the TRIPLE nested coil springs on each of 4 corners and noted that the vibrating screen was not VIBRATING the whole structure WILDLY and quite erratically.

- asked why this would be the case, to which on the phone, i stated, beats me

- upon further troubleshooting, i asked if anything had changed lately and the answer as usual was NO.......to which my response as usual was,,,,,,"are you sure" .......oh,,,,,LET ME see.

- turns out they had replaced a leg that was rotted or damaged or weakened over the years on the screen support structure. I asked if they measured properly to ensure balance of vibrating screen on the structure was maintained, he assumed yes.

- I asked him to have a TRANSOM CHECK DONE On all 4 corners....and they actually found the new leg....was 2 3/4" SHORTer THAN the other 3 legs. This was the cause of the erratic vibration.

- WHEN FIXED, problem went away. VERY important to have all 4 corners EQUAL and balanced and level always.

And.........how is your old structure doing today?

Best Regards, George Baker Regional Sales Manager - Canada TELSMITH Inc Mequon, WI 1-519-242-6664 Cell E: (work) [email]gbaker@telsmith.com[/email] E: (home) [email] gggman353@gmail.com[/email] website: [url]www.telsmith.com[/url] Manufacturer of portable, modular and stationary mineral processing equipment for the aggregate and mining industries.
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