World Dry Bulk Shipping Summit

Posted in: , on 30. Apr. 2009 - 18:27

World Dry Bulk Shipping Summit

Date: 30 June 2009 - 01 July 2009

Venue: The Gibson Hall, London, U.K.

Coaltrans Conferences, and Metal Bulletin are collaborating to introduce the inaugural World Dry Bulk Shipping Summit. Combining the expertise of Coaltrans, the foremost name in international coal industry conferences, and Metal Bulletin Events, the market leader in events for the metal and steel markets, the ‘Dry Bulk Shipping Summit’ will offer an in-depth and discursive examination of the fundamental issues affecting the dry bulk freight industry.

The dry bulk markets have witnessed extreme volatility in recent months, with significant levels of litigation disrupting the market, strong fluctuations in the Baltic Dry Bulk Index (between December 2008 and February 2009 alone the capesize spot market jumped from USD2300 per day to USD18000 per day), and uncertainty as to when the markets are likely to recover.

Paralysis has set in due to the global credit crunch, as demand for steel raw materials has slumped and ships lie idle. It is still unclear the extent to which an enlarged order book will interact with current ship supply. There is a complex play to be made with older ships being lined up for scrap, and uncertain levels of new-build delivery due in the second half of 2009. Early-stage orders are being cancelled or postponed but many of those further along into production will still make their way on to the market, creating the prospect of further oversupply and consequent dampening of prices.

In a challenging global context, where finance is becoming increasingly scarce – both for asset acquisitions and trade finance transactions - it is ever more important for market participants to remain abreast of the latest developments and challenges facing the industry.

Key topics to be covered in the conference include:

The economic outlook for the dry bulk shipping market

Outlook for supply/ demand of major dry bulk commodities

Global iron ore and coal scenarios

Managing the Order Book

Scrapping and lay-up – economics and supply challenges

FFA markets – future for FFAs, BDI, screen trading, options strategies and risk management

Raising finance – asset finance and trade finance challenges

Plus: choice of dedicated industy-led workshops looking at

Litigation and legislation

Risk management

Who should attend:

Shipowners and Operators



Ship Financiers and Investors

Shipbuilding Project Leaders

Marine Insurance Professionals

Commodity and Energy Traders

P&I Club Executives

Event Program


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