Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Posted in: , on 11. Apr. 2009 - 22:08

Greetings and salutations fellow board members,

I have decided to post my white paper here in the mechanical conveying section as well. I look forward to your comments. I apologize for any typos in advance.

I have applied for a copy right for the white paper as well.



new revised white paper 32909 (DOC)

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 11. Apr. 2009 - 09:29
Quote Originally Posted by lzaharisView Post
I have applied for a copyright for the white paper as well.

Is that necessary, I thought copyright automatically existed for a new document?

Of course you still have to enforce it yourself.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 11. Apr. 2009 - 09:29
Quote Originally Posted by lzaharisView Post
I have applied for a copyright for the white paper as well.

Is that necessary, I thought copyright automatically existed for a new document?

Of course you still have to enforce it yourself.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 11. Apr. 2009 - 09:29
Quote Originally Posted by lzaharisView Post
I have applied for a copyright for the white paper as well.

Is that necessary, I thought copyright automatically existed for a new document?

Of course you still have to enforce it yourself.

My White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 01:15
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Is that necessary, I thought copyright automatically existed for a new document?

Of course you still have to enforce it yourself.


Greetings and salutations,

In order to be protected by the copyright laws in the United States you have to file a registration for a "document or group of documents" pertaining to the same subject, you must submit 2 complete copies to the United States Patent Office for copyrighting and forward a $45.00 registration fee for the privileges and protection of the US copyright laws.

I hope it will be published in "coal age" or "engineering and mining journal" and I hope it will be presented at the Haulage and Loading 2009 Conference in Mesa, Arizona this year.


My White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 01:15
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Is that necessary, I thought copyright automatically existed for a new document?

Of course you still have to enforce it yourself.


Greetings and salutations,

In order to be protected by the copyright laws in the United States you have to file a registration for a "document or group of documents" pertaining to the same subject, you must submit 2 complete copies to the United States Patent Office for copyrighting and forward a $45.00 registration fee for the privileges and protection of the US copyright laws.

I hope it will be published in "coal age" or "engineering and mining journal" and I hope it will be presented at the Haulage and Loading 2009 Conference in Mesa, Arizona this year.


My White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 01:15
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Is that necessary, I thought copyright automatically existed for a new document?

Of course you still have to enforce it yourself.


Greetings and salutations,

In order to be protected by the copyright laws in the United States you have to file a registration for a "document or group of documents" pertaining to the same subject, you must submit 2 complete copies to the United States Patent Office for copyrighting and forward a $45.00 registration fee for the privileges and protection of the US copyright laws.

I hope it will be published in "coal age" or "engineering and mining journal" and I hope it will be presented at the Haulage and Loading 2009 Conference in Mesa, Arizona this year.


Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 10:49
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Is that necessary, I thought copyright automatically existed for a new document?

Of course you still have to enforce it yourself.

For copyright it is only necessary to place & seal the document in a self addressed envelope & post the same back to yourself as a recorded delivery. That establishes copyright of the contents of the still sealed envelope in most countries across the world. As mentioned, the ball ache rests on the enforcement bit. If somebody transaltes a work into Tibetan & then on into Dutch it is hardly likely to come to the notice of the original author. Unless it crosses through Pakistan when every intelligence agency will want to shoot holes through it.:rolleyes:

Only lawyers & their hangers on make anything out of IPR issues. :mad:It all goes back to the Court of St James when, just about the time Shakespeare snuffed it, the king, Jimmy VI/I decided to grant letters patent in return for fees. Around the same time he got solicitors to collect his taxes locally & recompensed them by allowing them to levy transfer duty on all property transactions. Some republics, that ought to know better, :p have continued these monarchistic traditions.

Please save yourself the trouble & rather donate the $45 to a charity of your choosing.:D

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 10:49
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Is that necessary, I thought copyright automatically existed for a new document?

Of course you still have to enforce it yourself.

For copyright it is only necessary to place & seal the document in a self addressed envelope & post the same back to yourself as a recorded delivery. That establishes copyright of the contents of the still sealed envelope in most countries across the world. As mentioned, the ball ache rests on the enforcement bit. If somebody transaltes a work into Tibetan & then on into Dutch it is hardly likely to come to the notice of the original author. Unless it crosses through Pakistan when every intelligence agency will want to shoot holes through it.:rolleyes:

Only lawyers & their hangers on make anything out of IPR issues. :mad:It all goes back to the Court of St James when, just about the time Shakespeare snuffed it, the king, Jimmy VI/I decided to grant letters patent in return for fees. Around the same time he got solicitors to collect his taxes locally & recompensed them by allowing them to levy transfer duty on all property transactions. Some republics, that ought to know better, :p have continued these monarchistic traditions.

Please save yourself the trouble & rather donate the $45 to a charity of your choosing.:D

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 10:49
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Is that necessary, I thought copyright automatically existed for a new document?

Of course you still have to enforce it yourself.

For copyright it is only necessary to place & seal the document in a self addressed envelope & post the same back to yourself as a recorded delivery. That establishes copyright of the contents of the still sealed envelope in most countries across the world. As mentioned, the ball ache rests on the enforcement bit. If somebody transaltes a work into Tibetan & then on into Dutch it is hardly likely to come to the notice of the original author. Unless it crosses through Pakistan when every intelligence agency will want to shoot holes through it.:rolleyes:

Only lawyers & their hangers on make anything out of IPR issues. :mad:It all goes back to the Court of St James when, just about the time Shakespeare snuffed it, the king, Jimmy VI/I decided to grant letters patent in return for fees. Around the same time he got solicitors to collect his taxes locally & recompensed them by allowing them to levy transfer duty on all property transactions. Some republics, that ought to know better, :p have continued these monarchistic traditions.

Please save yourself the trouble & rather donate the $45 to a charity of your choosing.:D

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 01:24

Checking the UK Intellectual Property Office web site, in the UK there is no need for registration and copyright exists for an original document. There may be some question regarding the original date of the document but as louispanjang says posting yourself a copy which is left unopened will satisfy the requirement. There are companies in the UK that offer a "registration" service but these are neither official or necessary, just making a few bob.

Further, I would suggest that by posting the document here you have effectively "date stamped" it.

Of course things may be different in the US.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 01:24

Checking the UK Intellectual Property Office web site, in the UK there is no need for registration and copyright exists for an original document. There may be some question regarding the original date of the document but as louispanjang says posting yourself a copy which is left unopened will satisfy the requirement. There are companies in the UK that offer a "registration" service but these are neither official or necessary, just making a few bob.

Further, I would suggest that by posting the document here you have effectively "date stamped" it.

Of course things may be different in the US.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 01:24

Checking the UK Intellectual Property Office web site, in the UK there is no need for registration and copyright exists for an original document. There may be some question regarding the original date of the document but as louispanjang says posting yourself a copy which is left unopened will satisfy the requirement. There are companies in the UK that offer a "registration" service but these are neither official or necessary, just making a few bob.

Further, I would suggest that by posting the document here you have effectively "date stamped" it.

Of course things may be different in the US.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 06:46

Reading the document it occurs to me that there might be an alternative conveying configuration for the "capsule in a pipeline".

I can imagine as described, the capsule moving through the pipeline as a result of the difference in air pressure across it and made of ferrous material.

If a wheeled vehicle was to straddle the pipe and fitted with heavy duty magnets then the magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets on the wheeled vehicle could be used to "couple" the capsule to the vehicle. Then, when the capsule moved, so would the wheeled vehicle. Bulk material or discrete items could be loaded on the wheeled vehicle to be conveyed.

As an alternative embodiment, the connection between the capsule and vehicle could be mechanical, the operation being in much the way as a "rod less" pneumatic cylinder.

Just thoughts on an overcast Sunday afternoon :)

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 06:46

Reading the document it occurs to me that there might be an alternative conveying configuration for the "capsule in a pipeline".

I can imagine as described, the capsule moving through the pipeline as a result of the difference in air pressure across it and made of ferrous material.

If a wheeled vehicle was to straddle the pipe and fitted with heavy duty magnets then the magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets on the wheeled vehicle could be used to "couple" the capsule to the vehicle. Then, when the capsule moved, so would the wheeled vehicle. Bulk material or discrete items could be loaded on the wheeled vehicle to be conveyed.

As an alternative embodiment, the connection between the capsule and vehicle could be mechanical, the operation being in much the way as a "rod less" pneumatic cylinder.

Just thoughts on an overcast Sunday afternoon :)

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 12. Apr. 2009 - 06:46

Reading the document it occurs to me that there might be an alternative conveying configuration for the "capsule in a pipeline".

I can imagine as described, the capsule moving through the pipeline as a result of the difference in air pressure across it and made of ferrous material.

If a wheeled vehicle was to straddle the pipe and fitted with heavy duty magnets then the magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets on the wheeled vehicle could be used to "couple" the capsule to the vehicle. Then, when the capsule moved, so would the wheeled vehicle. Bulk material or discrete items could be loaded on the wheeled vehicle to be conveyed.

As an alternative embodiment, the connection between the capsule and vehicle could be mechanical, the operation being in much the way as a "rod less" pneumatic cylinder.

Just thoughts on an overcast Sunday afternoon :)

Capsule Pipelines

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 05:11
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Reading the document it occurs to me that there might be an alternative conveying configuration for the "capsule in a pipeline".

I can imagine as described, the capsule moving through the pipeline as a result of the difference in air pressure across it and made of ferrous material.

If a wheeled vehicle was to straddle the pipe and fitted with heavy duty magnets then the magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets on the wheeled vehicle could be used to "couple" the capsule to the vehicle. Then, when the capsule moved, so would the wheeled vehicle. Bulk material or discrete items could be loaded on the wheeled vehicle to be conveyed.

As an alternative embodiment, the connection between the capsule and vehicle could be mechanical, the operation being in much the way as a "rod less" pneumatic cylinder.

Just thoughts on an overcast Sunday afternoon :)

Greetings and salutations

You are referring to the "LIM pump" linear induction motor pump. The electromagnetism generated by the stationary conduit and reacting with reaction plate attached to the capsule liner overcomes the atmosperic barrier in the tube eliminating it as a possible source of resistance and traveling ata much faster speed.

The lim pump is the "conduit" the capsule liner travels through to go from a to b and back to a at much faster speeds as the atmospere in the tube is overcome by the electromagnetic force generated by the reaction plate attached to the capsule and it overcomes the resistance of the air in the conduit.

The capsule liner is one unit with reacting to the electromotive force generated by the LIM conduit and speeding down the tube without the need for a pressure gradient;

That is the project that is next on the list for me to do.

The new metal roller coasters use the linear induction motor for launching and braking the coaster cars.

the site below is very informative regarding the LIM concept and Dr. Liu's final report to the DOE on the LIM pump is worth requesting from the DOE printing office

This is Dr. Henry Liu's home page


Capsule Pipelines

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 05:11
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Reading the document it occurs to me that there might be an alternative conveying configuration for the "capsule in a pipeline".

I can imagine as described, the capsule moving through the pipeline as a result of the difference in air pressure across it and made of ferrous material.

If a wheeled vehicle was to straddle the pipe and fitted with heavy duty magnets then the magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets on the wheeled vehicle could be used to "couple" the capsule to the vehicle. Then, when the capsule moved, so would the wheeled vehicle. Bulk material or discrete items could be loaded on the wheeled vehicle to be conveyed.

As an alternative embodiment, the connection between the capsule and vehicle could be mechanical, the operation being in much the way as a "rod less" pneumatic cylinder.

Just thoughts on an overcast Sunday afternoon :)

Greetings and salutations

You are referring to the "LIM pump" linear induction motor pump. The electromagnetism generated by the stationary conduit and reacting with reaction plate attached to the capsule liner overcomes the atmosperic barrier in the tube eliminating it as a possible source of resistance and traveling ata much faster speed.

The lim pump is the "conduit" the capsule liner travels through to go from a to b and back to a at much faster speeds as the atmospere in the tube is overcome by the electromagnetic force generated by the reaction plate attached to the capsule and it overcomes the resistance of the air in the conduit.

The capsule liner is one unit with reacting to the electromotive force generated by the LIM conduit and speeding down the tube without the need for a pressure gradient;

That is the project that is next on the list for me to do.

The new metal roller coasters use the linear induction motor for launching and braking the coaster cars.

the site below is very informative regarding the LIM concept and Dr. Liu's final report to the DOE on the LIM pump is worth requesting from the DOE printing office

This is Dr. Henry Liu's home page


Capsule Pipelines

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 05:11
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Reading the document it occurs to me that there might be an alternative conveying configuration for the "capsule in a pipeline".

I can imagine as described, the capsule moving through the pipeline as a result of the difference in air pressure across it and made of ferrous material.

If a wheeled vehicle was to straddle the pipe and fitted with heavy duty magnets then the magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets on the wheeled vehicle could be used to "couple" the capsule to the vehicle. Then, when the capsule moved, so would the wheeled vehicle. Bulk material or discrete items could be loaded on the wheeled vehicle to be conveyed.

As an alternative embodiment, the connection between the capsule and vehicle could be mechanical, the operation being in much the way as a "rod less" pneumatic cylinder.

Just thoughts on an overcast Sunday afternoon :)

Greetings and salutations

You are referring to the "LIM pump" linear induction motor pump. The electromagnetism generated by the stationary conduit and reacting with reaction plate attached to the capsule liner overcomes the atmosperic barrier in the tube eliminating it as a possible source of resistance and traveling ata much faster speed.

The lim pump is the "conduit" the capsule liner travels through to go from a to b and back to a at much faster speeds as the atmospere in the tube is overcome by the electromagnetic force generated by the reaction plate attached to the capsule and it overcomes the resistance of the air in the conduit.

The capsule liner is one unit with reacting to the electromotive force generated by the LIM conduit and speeding down the tube without the need for a pressure gradient;

That is the project that is next on the list for me to do.

The new metal roller coasters use the linear induction motor for launching and braking the coaster cars.

the site below is very informative regarding the LIM concept and Dr. Liu's final report to the DOE on the LIM pump is worth requesting from the DOE printing office

This is Dr. Henry Liu's home page


Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 03:01

Actually I had forgotten about the linear induction motor (beloved of Eric Laithwaite, late of Imperial College).

I was thinking of a simpler arrangement, a ferrous capsule (wheeled) inside a plastic pipe that moves by differential air pressure across it. This might be by applying pressure behind the capsule. of a vacuum in front of it. An arc of magnets equal to the length of the capsule closely surround the pipe and are fixed to the wheeled vehicle that straddles the pipe. The magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets "pull" the vehicle along as the capsule moves through the pipe.

Sounds elegant.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 03:01

Actually I had forgotten about the linear induction motor (beloved of Eric Laithwaite, late of Imperial College).

I was thinking of a simpler arrangement, a ferrous capsule (wheeled) inside a plastic pipe that moves by differential air pressure across it. This might be by applying pressure behind the capsule. of a vacuum in front of it. An arc of magnets equal to the length of the capsule closely surround the pipe and are fixed to the wheeled vehicle that straddles the pipe. The magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets "pull" the vehicle along as the capsule moves through the pipe.

Sounds elegant.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 03:01

Actually I had forgotten about the linear induction motor (beloved of Eric Laithwaite, late of Imperial College).

I was thinking of a simpler arrangement, a ferrous capsule (wheeled) inside a plastic pipe that moves by differential air pressure across it. This might be by applying pressure behind the capsule. of a vacuum in front of it. An arc of magnets equal to the length of the capsule closely surround the pipe and are fixed to the wheeled vehicle that straddles the pipe. The magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets "pull" the vehicle along as the capsule moves through the pipe.

Sounds elegant.

Capsule Pipelines

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 09:02
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Actually I had forgotten about the linear induction motor (beloved of Eric Laithwaite, late of Imperial College).

I was thinking of a simpler arrangement, a ferrous capsule (wheeled) inside a plastic pipe that moves by differential air pressure across it. This might be by applying pressure behind the capsule. of a vacuum in front of it. An arc of magnets equal to the length of the capsule closely surround the pipe and are fixed to the wheeled vehicle that straddles the pipe. The magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets "pull" the vehicle along as the capsule moves through the pipe.

Sounds elegant.

The ferrous magnet mess was tried by the Magplane folks in Florida at one of the phosphate mines using a 200 foot or so single pipe surrounded by magnets for its entire length (what a mess) to generate an electric field to propel the little monster and rotate it for dumping. the state of Florida rock phosphate department has a link to the paper, it costs to much to operate and is very complicated with very high voltage and energy needed to power the magnets on both the freight carrier which has magnets on its belly along with magnets along the entire length of the tube where the Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline "PCP" has no need for that and the LIM pump does not require that either.

FYI did you know that a PCP is capable of maintaining suction of 12Hg for 200 miles and pressure of 5 PSI or greater for 200 miles in a 24 inch or larger tube with capsule liner velocities in excess of 2,200 feet per minute(40 Kilometers per hour)(25 miles per hour) by using positive displacement blowers creating pressure gradients for vacuum and pressure service? The six general laws of gasses are what apply to the PCP system just like a gas pipeline.

Capsule Pipelines

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 09:02
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Actually I had forgotten about the linear induction motor (beloved of Eric Laithwaite, late of Imperial College).

I was thinking of a simpler arrangement, a ferrous capsule (wheeled) inside a plastic pipe that moves by differential air pressure across it. This might be by applying pressure behind the capsule. of a vacuum in front of it. An arc of magnets equal to the length of the capsule closely surround the pipe and are fixed to the wheeled vehicle that straddles the pipe. The magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets "pull" the vehicle along as the capsule moves through the pipe.

Sounds elegant.

The ferrous magnet mess was tried by the Magplane folks in Florida at one of the phosphate mines using a 200 foot or so single pipe surrounded by magnets for its entire length (what a mess) to generate an electric field to propel the little monster and rotate it for dumping. the state of Florida rock phosphate department has a link to the paper, it costs to much to operate and is very complicated with very high voltage and energy needed to power the magnets on both the freight carrier which has magnets on its belly along with magnets along the entire length of the tube where the Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline "PCP" has no need for that and the LIM pump does not require that either.

FYI did you know that a PCP is capable of maintaining suction of 12Hg for 200 miles and pressure of 5 PSI or greater for 200 miles in a 24 inch or larger tube with capsule liner velocities in excess of 2,200 feet per minute(40 Kilometers per hour)(25 miles per hour) by using positive displacement blowers creating pressure gradients for vacuum and pressure service? The six general laws of gasses are what apply to the PCP system just like a gas pipeline.

Capsule Pipelines

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 09:02
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Actually I had forgotten about the linear induction motor (beloved of Eric Laithwaite, late of Imperial College).

I was thinking of a simpler arrangement, a ferrous capsule (wheeled) inside a plastic pipe that moves by differential air pressure across it. This might be by applying pressure behind the capsule. of a vacuum in front of it. An arc of magnets equal to the length of the capsule closely surround the pipe and are fixed to the wheeled vehicle that straddles the pipe. The magnetic attraction between the capsule and magnets "pull" the vehicle along as the capsule moves through the pipe.

Sounds elegant.

The ferrous magnet mess was tried by the Magplane folks in Florida at one of the phosphate mines using a 200 foot or so single pipe surrounded by magnets for its entire length (what a mess) to generate an electric field to propel the little monster and rotate it for dumping. the state of Florida rock phosphate department has a link to the paper, it costs to much to operate and is very complicated with very high voltage and energy needed to power the magnets on both the freight carrier which has magnets on its belly along with magnets along the entire length of the tube where the Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline "PCP" has no need for that and the LIM pump does not require that either.

FYI did you know that a PCP is capable of maintaining suction of 12Hg for 200 miles and pressure of 5 PSI or greater for 200 miles in a 24 inch or larger tube with capsule liner velocities in excess of 2,200 feet per minute(40 Kilometers per hour)(25 miles per hour) by using positive displacement blowers creating pressure gradients for vacuum and pressure service? The six general laws of gasses are what apply to the PCP system just like a gas pipeline.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 09:37

I would like to mention Brunel's vacuum driven cars with the 84" gauge which was operated by the Great Western Railway Company. As I read it the system failed after rats chewed through the leather sealing strips. But it could be classed as a sort of pipeline conveyance system.:)

The thing with our conveyors is that the rolling elements usually stay in one place so those that fail can be got at without having to take the system apart of stop it even. That's why we like 'em so dearly!;)

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 09:37

I would like to mention Brunel's vacuum driven cars with the 84" gauge which was operated by the Great Western Railway Company. As I read it the system failed after rats chewed through the leather sealing strips. But it could be classed as a sort of pipeline conveyance system.:)

The thing with our conveyors is that the rolling elements usually stay in one place so those that fail can be got at without having to take the system apart of stop it even. That's why we like 'em so dearly!;)

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2009 - 09:37

I would like to mention Brunel's vacuum driven cars with the 84" gauge which was operated by the Great Western Railway Company. As I read it the system failed after rats chewed through the leather sealing strips. But it could be classed as a sort of pipeline conveyance system.:)

The thing with our conveyors is that the rolling elements usually stay in one place so those that fail can be got at without having to take the system apart of stop it even. That's why we like 'em so dearly!;)

Pcp Systems

Erstellt am 14. Apr. 2009 - 03:32
Quote Originally Posted by louispanjangView Post
I would like to mention Brunel's vacuum driven cars with the 84" gauge which was operated by the Great Western Railway Company. As I read it the system failed after rats chewed through the leather sealing strips. But it could be classed as a sort of pipeline conveyance system.:)

The thing with our conveyors is that the rolling elements usually stay in one place so those that fail can be got at without having to take the system apart of stop it even. That's why we like 'em so dearly!;)

Please look at an operating PCP system

google (karasawa limestone mine) for thier home page this system has been operating since 1981 delivering 2 million tons of limestone from a quarry to a cement plant in Kuuzu town japan

Pcp Systems

Erstellt am 14. Apr. 2009 - 03:32
Quote Originally Posted by louispanjangView Post
I would like to mention Brunel's vacuum driven cars with the 84" gauge which was operated by the Great Western Railway Company. As I read it the system failed after rats chewed through the leather sealing strips. But it could be classed as a sort of pipeline conveyance system.:)

The thing with our conveyors is that the rolling elements usually stay in one place so those that fail can be got at without having to take the system apart of stop it even. That's why we like 'em so dearly!;)

Please look at an operating PCP system

google (karasawa limestone mine) for thier home page this system has been operating since 1981 delivering 2 million tons of limestone from a quarry to a cement plant in Kuuzu town japan

Pcp Systems

Erstellt am 14. Apr. 2009 - 03:32
Quote Originally Posted by louispanjangView Post
I would like to mention Brunel's vacuum driven cars with the 84" gauge which was operated by the Great Western Railway Company. As I read it the system failed after rats chewed through the leather sealing strips. But it could be classed as a sort of pipeline conveyance system.:)

The thing with our conveyors is that the rolling elements usually stay in one place so those that fail can be got at without having to take the system apart of stop it even. That's why we like 'em so dearly!;)

Please look at an operating PCP system

google (karasawa limestone mine) for thier home page this system has been operating since 1981 delivering 2 million tons of limestone from a quarry to a cement plant in Kuuzu town japan

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2009 - 02:52
Quote Originally Posted by lzaharisView Post
The ferrous magnet mess was tried by the Magplane folks in Florida at one of the phosphate mines using a 200 foot or so single pipe surrounded by magnets for its entire length (what a mess) to generate an electric field to propel the little monster and rotate it for dumping. the state of Florida rock phosphate department has a link to the paper, it costs to much to operate and is very complicated with very high voltage and energy needed to power the magnets on both the freight carrier which has magnets on its belly along with magnets along the entire length of the tube where the Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline "PCP" has no need for that and the LIM pump does not require that either.

Where did I say anything about "magnets for it's entire length"!!

This is my last effort to explain my idea.

1) there is a plastic pipeline.

2) there is a wheeled ferrous capsule or pig inside the the pipeline.

3) the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline by a differential air pressure across it.

4) a wheeled vehicle straddles the pipeline.

5) a frame containing an arc of magnets (permanent) the length of the capsule/pig closely follows the profile of the pipe.

6) the frame of magnets is attached to the vehicle.

7) as the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline propelled by differential air pressure across it, the magnetic attraction between it and the magnets on the vehicle causes the capsule/pig to drag the vehicle with it.

A mechanical connection may be possible using the same sealing concepts as rodless cylinders.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2009 - 02:52
Quote Originally Posted by lzaharisView Post
The ferrous magnet mess was tried by the Magplane folks in Florida at one of the phosphate mines using a 200 foot or so single pipe surrounded by magnets for its entire length (what a mess) to generate an electric field to propel the little monster and rotate it for dumping. the state of Florida rock phosphate department has a link to the paper, it costs to much to operate and is very complicated with very high voltage and energy needed to power the magnets on both the freight carrier which has magnets on its belly along with magnets along the entire length of the tube where the Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline "PCP" has no need for that and the LIM pump does not require that either.

Where did I say anything about "magnets for it's entire length"!!

This is my last effort to explain my idea.

1) there is a plastic pipeline.

2) there is a wheeled ferrous capsule or pig inside the the pipeline.

3) the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline by a differential air pressure across it.

4) a wheeled vehicle straddles the pipeline.

5) a frame containing an arc of magnets (permanent) the length of the capsule/pig closely follows the profile of the pipe.

6) the frame of magnets is attached to the vehicle.

7) as the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline propelled by differential air pressure across it, the magnetic attraction between it and the magnets on the vehicle causes the capsule/pig to drag the vehicle with it.

A mechanical connection may be possible using the same sealing concepts as rodless cylinders.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2009 - 02:52
Quote Originally Posted by lzaharisView Post
The ferrous magnet mess was tried by the Magplane folks in Florida at one of the phosphate mines using a 200 foot or so single pipe surrounded by magnets for its entire length (what a mess) to generate an electric field to propel the little monster and rotate it for dumping. the state of Florida rock phosphate department has a link to the paper, it costs to much to operate and is very complicated with very high voltage and energy needed to power the magnets on both the freight carrier which has magnets on its belly along with magnets along the entire length of the tube where the Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline "PCP" has no need for that and the LIM pump does not require that either.

Where did I say anything about "magnets for it's entire length"!!

This is my last effort to explain my idea.

1) there is a plastic pipeline.

2) there is a wheeled ferrous capsule or pig inside the the pipeline.

3) the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline by a differential air pressure across it.

4) a wheeled vehicle straddles the pipeline.

5) a frame containing an arc of magnets (permanent) the length of the capsule/pig closely follows the profile of the pipe.

6) the frame of magnets is attached to the vehicle.

7) as the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline propelled by differential air pressure across it, the magnetic attraction between it and the magnets on the vehicle causes the capsule/pig to drag the vehicle with it.

A mechanical connection may be possible using the same sealing concepts as rodless cylinders.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2009 - 05:41
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Where did I say anything about "magnets for it's entire length"!!

This is my last effort to explain my idea.

1) there is a plastic pipeline.

2) there is a wheeled ferrous capsule or pig inside the the pipeline.

3) the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline by a differential air pressure across it.

4) a wheeled vehicle straddles the pipeline.

5) a frame containing an arc of magnets (permanent) the length of the capsule/pig closely follows the profile of the pipe.

6) the frame of magnets is attached to the vehicle.

7) as the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline propelled by differential air pressure across it, the magnetic attraction between it and the magnets on the vehicle causes the capsule/pig to drag the vehicle with it.

A mechanical connection may be possible using the same sealing concepts as rodless cylinders.

Methinks :cool: that's the way Brunel would have done it if he'd had the modern day magnets. Something smaller than a rat will get in & chew the bejaybers out of the Origas.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2009 - 05:41
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Where did I say anything about "magnets for it's entire length"!!

This is my last effort to explain my idea.

1) there is a plastic pipeline.

2) there is a wheeled ferrous capsule or pig inside the the pipeline.

3) the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline by a differential air pressure across it.

4) a wheeled vehicle straddles the pipeline.

5) a frame containing an arc of magnets (permanent) the length of the capsule/pig closely follows the profile of the pipe.

6) the frame of magnets is attached to the vehicle.

7) as the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline propelled by differential air pressure across it, the magnetic attraction between it and the magnets on the vehicle causes the capsule/pig to drag the vehicle with it.

A mechanical connection may be possible using the same sealing concepts as rodless cylinders.

Methinks :cool: that's the way Brunel would have done it if he'd had the modern day magnets. Something smaller than a rat will get in & chew the bejaybers out of the Origas.

Re: Capsule Pipeline White Paper

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2009 - 05:41
Quote Originally Posted by designerView Post
Where did I say anything about "magnets for it's entire length"!!

This is my last effort to explain my idea.

1) there is a plastic pipeline.

2) there is a wheeled ferrous capsule or pig inside the the pipeline.

3) the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline by a differential air pressure across it.

4) a wheeled vehicle straddles the pipeline.

5) a frame containing an arc of magnets (permanent) the length of the capsule/pig closely follows the profile of the pipe.

6) the frame of magnets is attached to the vehicle.

7) as the capsule/pig moves through the pipeline propelled by differential air pressure across it, the magnetic attraction between it and the magnets on the vehicle causes the capsule/pig to drag the vehicle with it.

A mechanical connection may be possible using the same sealing concepts as rodless cylinders.

Methinks :cool: that's the way Brunel would have done it if he'd had the modern day magnets. Something smaller than a rat will get in & chew the bejaybers out of the Origas.