Mitsubishi Cooperates with Steinert

Posted in: , on 7. Apr. 2009 - 14:34

Mitsubishi strengthens cooperation with Steinert for the Japanese market

About ten years ago Steinert concluded a partnership agreement for its patented eccentric pole system for non-ferrous metal separators with Mitsubishi. The agreement calls for Mitsubishi to use the tried and tested eccentric pole system in the Japanese market. Due to the positive experiences with the system and the desire to form a closer partnership, the heads of the companies met with the managers of the newly established company Steinert Japan (Tokyo) to strengthen the successful cooperation over the long term.

As a result of these negotiations, the management boards of the two companies signed an additional long-term cooperation agreement on 18 February 2009. According to the terms of this agreement, Mitsubishi will not only exclusively use the Steinert eccentric pole system but also employ Steinert’s recently launched sorting systems in its market segments in Japan.

In addition, both parties agreed that Steinert Japan will help to set up a demonstration centre for Steinert technology at the headquarters of Mitsubishi Nagasaki Machinery Mfg. Co. Ltd. In addition to a colour sorting system, the latest technology for the non-ferrous metal separator and an inductive sorting system will be exhibited at the centre. The centre will thus enable customers to conduct practical tests with their own materials.

The photo shows Teruho Shiraishi, President of Mitsubishi Nagasaki Machinery, next to Franz Heiringhoff, Steinert Group CEO, following the signing of the contracts.

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