Re: Unwanted Messages

Erstellt am 21. Mar. 2009 - 09:21

click on the triangle in the top right hand corner of the offending post just to the right of the post #.

I moderate at many forums and this will send an email direct to moderators and administrators.

I agree that these post that have nothing to do with the thread need to be removed. If they want to support the site by advertising then that would be most welcome.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Unwanted Messages

Erstellt am 21. Mar. 2009 - 10:01

How obvious, once you're told

Re: Unwanted Messages

Erstellt am 26. Mar. 2009 - 12:55
Quote Originally Posted by Gary BlenkhornView Post
click on the triangle in the top right hand corner of the offending post just to the right of the post #.


I have done this many times.

In the recent past , the unwanted & irrelevent messages are increasing.


Re: Unwanted Messages

Erstellt am 26. Mar. 2009 - 01:51
Quote Originally Posted by sganeshView Post
I have done this many times.

In the recent past , the unwanted & irrelevent messages are increasing.


We need to ban the posters!

If all else fails, we need a new method for new posters to register. Here's what others have had to resort to -

Sad really.

Re: Unwanted Messages

Erstellt am 9. Apr. 2009 - 04:30

this has got to STOP

Just joined today and 16 posts of spam in just of few minutes and in Chinese.


Please start banning these useless spam artists.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Spam Messages

Erstellt am 9. Apr. 2009 - 08:44


Thanks. We ban 5-15 each day; today there were more.

The alternative seems to be that each post is moderated,. i.e. approved or deleted. This also seems impossible due to the many posts which come in each day. We do this with the Bulk Blog, but this has much less traffic.

Bear with us!

Reinhard Wohlbier


Re: Unwanted Messages

Erstellt am 9. Apr. 2009 - 10:03

In order to share the load some forums have responsible users as moderators with the authority to remove spam posts. These can be based around the world in different time zones.

Maybe this could be adopted here?

Spam On The Forums

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2009 - 07:44


Thank you.

Yes, this would be a possibility. But being a Moderator is not a real dream job!

Perhaps we can find volunteers. At the moment most spam is coming from PR China.

Thanks for your support.

Reinhard Wohlbier


Re: Unwanted Messages

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2009 - 08:08


I would be more than happy to volunteer as a moderator to help rid the forum of spam.

I PM'd you on just that idea. I have experience moderating on numerous forums.

And I am quite familiar with vBulletin code syntax.

I would recommend that spam or inappropriate posts found by a moderator be placed in moderation or moved to a "JUNK" thread only viewable by moderators and you the administrator. Then as time permits they can be weeded out by complete deletion or if agreed by you moved back to the public forum for all to see.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Unwanted Messages

Erstellt am 3. May. 2009 - 05:55

Me too.

This forum is very informative and I am checking in every day, so I also offer myself to moderate and remove spam messages.

Joerg von Loebenstein Engineering Manager / Coowner Tecnipak - Chile [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]


Erstellt am 13. May. 2009 - 06:51

Ironically, the spam pours in from China, but I don't know a lot of companies web sites that are permitted to be displayed there because of government restrictions. Very frustrating!

[FONT=Arial Narrow]Amy Duncan Marketing Manager, Dos Santos International, LLC [email][/email] [url][/url][/FONT]