conveyor roller
(not verified)

Conveyor Roller

Erstellt am 13. Mar. 2009 - 08:43

Hi Irfan,

Why not search by google?


This is a manufacturer in Japan.It's just for your reference., manufacturer of conveyor rollers.

Re: Top Worldwide Belt Manufacturerers

Erstellt am 14. Mar. 2009 - 05:43

Depends on your objectives;

1. Knowledge of your application and they have a suitable product

2. Price, given they meet item 1.

3. Performance, given they meet item 1 where there are choices

4. Availability, given they meet item 1.

Who can deliver lowest price for performance?

Who can deliver best performance when considering life in service?

So the question is: do you know what you want? Is so, there may only be one answer. No one manufacturer knows it all. That is why we have competition.

Since you neither stated your objective or specific needs, how can we help?

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Top Worldwide Belt Manufacturerers

Erstellt am 15. Mar. 2009 - 10:23

As mentioned by the previous reply it all depends on what your objectives are. There are sideline issues which affect a belt manufacturer's stance in any pecking order. Suppose you make hundreds of miles of low rating belt for a large conglomerate who have specified that belt type throughout their workings. That puts you in the big league through no fault of your own. It's good business as long as your customer stays in business.

Next consider a manufacturer who ventures into the realm of developing a new ultra strong belt range where the market is smaller but the acheived reputation can be invaluable.

One supplier will be able to claim that they carry so many millions of tpa & the other will claim that they make the best belts. Both are right. Both know what they are doing. It's a sort of competition situation with a lot of territorial respect. Trust is very definitely a two way street in that the belt manufacturer has to be sure that the customer does, in fact, know what he is looking for.