Simulation Packages

Posted in: , on 23. Sep. 2008 - 12:34

Dear all,

Does anyone know of any good simulation packages for Materials Handling and Process.

Best Regards, Gareth Blakey

Re: Simulation Packages

Erstellt am 26. Sep. 2008 - 03:51

By the nature of your business I am assuming that you mean "BULK" material handling and maybe not packaged material handling.

If so you can take a look at Aggflow - it is a very good package.

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Simulation Packages

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2008 - 03:21

Looks good

Have you used it.

Does it help you to select a stockpile size

Best Regards, Gareth Blakey

Re: Simulation Packages

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2008 - 05:57

Me thinks there is a misunderstanding on the term "simulation". There are many distinctly different simulation packages for which I name a few:

1. Material Balance - typical plant flow distribuition such as indicated by Gary, assesses circuit material balance circuits with the various flow stream divisions and with known particle size reductions (comminution devices) and classifications (multi-deck screens, cyclones,...) for each given machine circuit. The circuits have no probability associated with each circuit outcome.

2. Flowstream Population Balance - such as JK Tech which simulates the Breakage & Selection (birth & death) Functions to tie: blasting, crushing, milling, classifying (screens, cyclones, etc), recirculating, and floatation processes into a cohesive process circuit analysis. This circuit relies on breakage properties of ores and selesction functions which are determined by probabilities of collisions and other birth/death measures with energy spectra predicting likelihood outcomes from estimates on collisions either from know behaviors or from say DEM predictions of energy spectra

3. Monte Carlo Simulation - know probability spaces exists to predict many Fisher type probabilities of machines breaking down with estimates of certainty such as a shovel, truck, crusher, conveyor delivering ore to a stockpile or bin that has dynamic histograms of loading and equipment failure rates according to know probability principles. Such simulations also can have labor, environmental impact, mine dynamics, truck dispatch, shovel loading and likelihood of ore tonnage and types within each truck, semiphor activity at a crusher or road traffic control, etc. There are many such packages used in the mining industry, petrochem, electronic PC board designs, structural analysis, risk analysis,etc.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Simulation Packages

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2008 - 06:24


I am looking for the Monte Carlo Simulation.

Do you know of any off the shelf packages.

I am doing some prelimary research to see if this is an area our company wants to look at.

Even if it is just a basic simulation to aid in equipment sizing, stockpile sizing etc.

Best Regards, Gareth Blakey

Re: Simulation Packages

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2008 - 07:00

There are a large number of such commercial packages:

1. We use Wolverine and its graphics illustrator - recommended by Prof. John Sturgell at Uinversity of Idaho - written/published simple case studies and technical articles

2. Fluor & others use Arena (name may have changed) used to be called Simon Cinema if memory still serves me. This suite may have the most impressive graphics.

3. ATT simulated their world communication circuits with "Witness" - hooks up to XCL nicely and has been used on the RSA underground with CDI help. ATT wrote it.

4. Just Google - there are a ton out there. You need to know what you want and what you want to pay. They range in price from about $8000 to over well over $20,000 USD for one site license.

There are many basic components:

1. Discrete Event (means jumping between events),

2. Continuous Event meaning time integration of many circuits such as a process simulation;

3. SOLVER and then SIMULATOR (graphics) and on and on.

How do you know when you have done the simulation correctly?

What kind of variance tests will you perform to control the mean error and power tests? How will you use the simulation to examine risk of incorrect analysis?

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Simulation Packages

Erstellt am 30. Sep. 2008 - 07:02


Just doing some intial investigations into this area.

The information you have provided has been helpful.

I am firstly looking at a package called SysCad.

More used for process simulations however the supply belives I can use it in the manner I wish to.

Thanks for you help

Best Regards, Gareth Blakey

Re: Simulation Packages

Erstellt am 2. Oct. 2008 - 08:41

Take care Gareth,

Typically, process simulators are time-integration-step (TIS) solvers. If you wish for quick results this may not be the package you seek.

A discrete event (DE) driven solver will allow for many times the resolution within a day of solver time. It allows investigation into the statistical power analysis.

The TIS solver is more able to solve stabilities and dynamic process regulators but is slow to do DE where you must repeat the solver sequence 100's or thousands of times to study all statistical variants and their attributes and then ask the necessary questions of risk and benefit.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Simulation Packages

Erstellt am 6. Oct. 2008 - 03:49


Yes I believe you understand what it is I am looking for. Thanks for the words to describe it.

Can you recommend and software that allows for analysis of the statistical variations of materials handling/process circuits with the objective of assuring the tonnages and identifying bottle necks etc.

In addition to this will you be visiting Perth anytime soon? I have taken over ASBSH-WA from David Beckley and would love you to come in and share any of your knowledge with us.

Best Regards, Gareth Blakey