Screw compressor help required

Posted in: , on 17. Jul. 2008 - 12:17

I am currently investigating the compressed air consumption of a factory, I am concentrating on air supplies that are left on at the moment and am trying to find out the cost of this waste compressed air.

I need to know how many KW it takes to compress a certain amount of compressed air (I am not too fussed about what quantity as I can convert this into what I need at a later stage)

The only information I have about the compressor is attached, can it be found with the information that I have?

Thank you in advance


grassair (PDF)

Re: Screw Compressor Help Required

Erstellt am 17. Jul. 2008 - 11:47

Dear Becky,

What is meant with "waste compressed air"?

Normally only the amount of air used will be compressed.

If you do not use compressed air the compressor will stop compressing

On our attached sheet you can calculate the required energy for compressing just by dividing the power consumption by the delivered air volume.




Re: Screw Compressor Help Required

Erstellt am 17. Jul. 2008 - 12:01

Thank you, so would i use the 37KW which would give me 0.19 KW for 1 cfm of compressed air?

sorry, by waste air i mean that we have air tools that are left on by workers, for example we have nozzels that are left open and running 24/7 when they are only used for a few hours a day.

Re: Screw Compressor Help Required

Erstellt am 17. Jul. 2008 - 12:32

Dear Becky,

Yes, your math worked well.

Do you mean that the workers left their pneumatic tools running, while not in use?

How is that tool activated then?

Just being connected to the nozzle does not mean that air is used.

They accept the unecessary noise that goes with it?

have a nice day



Re: Screw Compressor Help Required

Erstellt am 17. Jul. 2008 - 12:42

they run straight from the air supply, the nozzles for example are not activated as such there is just a shut off valve which is never used, so it's just like having 6mm leaks everywhere, appalling(!) I know. As for the noise, the factory is very noisy anyway and everybody has to wear earplugs so it doesn’t really bother them, it is almost like the sound of compressed air gushing out has become an accepted background noise.

I hope to change things quite a lot

Re: Screw Compressor Help Required

Erstellt am 17. Jul. 2008 - 03:48

Originally posted by Teus Tuinenburg

Yes, your math worked well.

now i do feel stupid, it just seemed far too simple

Re: Screw Compressor Help Required

Erstellt am 18. Jul. 2008 - 01:59

Hi Becky,

There are no stupid questions. In order to change the habit make your management aware of how much money this wasteful practice costs your company. Let us just conservely assume that he compressor runs only 1 hour per day to make up for air losses in your system. At 9 cents per kwh and 7500 hours per year you lose 675Dollars per year to make up for the lost air. I am estimating that 2-4 of your 6mm orifices will about flow the capacity of your one 37Kw compressor. If this is your only compressor it should run all the time. This would essentially mean wasting the full 37KW at times which would be a little over 24000 Dollars per year in power consumption.

Either way, most reputable plant air compressor folks offer so called plant air audits in which they leave a black box attached to your air supply system studying how much air you are using and how much is wasted. Once the study is done, they follow up with a recommendation how to best address waste and the best compressor size and dive options; e.g. choosing a base load compressor, variable speed compressor etc. That could be the wake up call for your plant workers and management.

Good luck!

Regards, Ralf Weiser (001)-484-718-3518 [url][/url]

Re: Screw Compressor Help Required

Erstellt am 18. Jul. 2008 - 09:26

Thanks for the help Ralf

RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Screw Compressor Help Required

Erstellt am 18. Jul. 2008 - 04:18

Whilst I agree with the sentiment of reducing waste, I would be cautious about justifying an investment in carrying out an improvement project on the figures presented.

If the compressor has a 37 kW motor, will absorbed power not be less than 37 kW?

The compressor datasheet shows that at no-load the compressor is absorbing c. 9kW so unless you stop the machine, I would have thought that you would only get 75% of the power saving that is calculated in the above posts?

Re: Screw Compressor Help Required

Erstellt am 19. Jul. 2008 - 06:19

While my example illustrated the best case scenario, the facts are probably between worst and best. That is why I love projects like this: It depends completely on the actual findings. Only a detailed air audit can help formulate a game plan in addressing the issue at hand.

The more you concentrate on finding the "why's", the easier the "how's".

Regards, Ralf Weiser (001)-484-718-3518 [url][/url]

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Erstellt am 24. Jul. 2008 - 01:37

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