Dust Suppression on Haul roads (Zinc mine)

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 16. Jul. 2008 - 10:58


Currently i'm having internship programme in Vedanta HZL mine and as one of my project i was asked to test some dust suppressing chemicals to reduce the water consumption level. Could you please advise mi some compounds that suits my requirements.

Thank you for all the replies


(not verified)

Dust Suppressing Chemicals

Erstellt am 9. Aug. 2008 - 03:07

We don't know your requirements!


Re: Dust Suppression On Haul Roads (Zinc Mine)

Erstellt am 9. Aug. 2008 - 03:41

Originally posted by majkelos


Currently i'm having internship programme in Vedanta HZL mine and as one of my project i was asked to test some dust suppressing chemicals to reduce the water consumption level. Could you please advise mi some compounds that suits my requirements.

Thank you for all the replies


Is the mine a surface mine or underground?

(not verified)

Re: Dust Suppression On Haul Roads (Zinc Mine)

Erstellt am 10. Aug. 2008 - 04:44

It's the open pit mine

Dust Suppression

Erstellt am 10. Aug. 2008 - 04:30

Calcium chloride in a water suspension is one way and using an inexpensive dish soap like the Dawn brand is another.

Dust Control Solution

Erstellt am 3. Sep. 2008 - 09:29

The answer to your problem is a certified environmentally friendly solution that will last for a few months on haul roads and is used by the largest to the smallest mining operations in the world. You would be wise not to use toxic chlorides for health and safety reasons and the massive threat to the entire environment but be sure to verify that whatever you use is certified as sustainable in every way. The perfect product for you is Dust Stop and further information on this high quality solution to your dust problems can be viewed at www.cypherenvironmental.com and cypherltd.com where you can get all the information that you will need as well as News of the use of Dust Stop on haul roads and in other mining situations worldwide. Hope this helps.


Norm Burns

Norm Burns

Re: Dust Suppression On Haul Roads (Zinc Mine)

Erstellt am 4. Mar. 2009 - 04:09

When you are ready for the Best.. You can contact us to take care of your Haul Road Problems.

We have a proven track record and have been recognized by industry leaders as the best option for Dust Control on haul roads.

Take a look at our site and you will see.


Bob Dylan Knows

Erstellt am 4. Mar. 2009 - 12:02

Somewhere in the websites offered ther is mention of a US standard relating to road permeability. You should investigate the publication to see if it refers to an acceptable test method which you can adopt.

Choosing a product seems to be akin to choosing a washing powder & a test procedure should be a completely level playing field which of course you cannot acheive because it would be unrealistic to treat the same playing field with different products in the same season.

"The answer is blowing in the wind" or not.

Re: Dust Suppression On Haul Roads (Zinc Mine)

Erstellt am 12. Mar. 2009 - 09:17
Quote Originally Posted by louispanjangView Post
Somewhere in the websites offered ther is mention of a US standard relating to road permeability. You should investigate the publication to see if it refers to an acceptable test method which you can adopt.

Choosing a product seems to be akin to choosing a washing powder & a test procedure should be a completely level playing field which of course you cannot acheive because it would be unrealistic to treat the same playing field with different products in the same season.

"The answer is blowing in the wind" or not.

Our product will enhance the permeability (k) factor of all dusty materials. Here is a graph of what it will do with a Sandy Loam soil. This was tested for landfill applications where the permeability was to be 1x10-7 or better, we exceeded that by several factors. You can read about our soil permeability enhancements at our site.. www.dust-control-inc.com